Locate your croquet clubs and get their contact details

Croquet Clubs

All Clubs in NSW and the ACT

Google Mapping

Click the or icon at the top left of a club entry to view the club in a Google Maps aerial photograph or street map. This does not need additional software to be installed.

Click here to view the Croquet NSW headquarters at Tempe.

The Google Earth application can be used to obtain higher quality imagery in some cases. If you have this installed, click here to visit Chris Williams' Croquet Clubs on Google Earth page, where you can download KMZ or KML files locating these and other croquet clubs in Australia and world-wide.

Benefits of Affiliating with CNSW

Clubs maintain information about their office bearers, contact details, playing days, etc and are responsible for it being correct. If you find any inaccuracies please advise the CNSW Secretary and the Website Administrator by email.

Regions, their Clubs and their Coordinators

Select a club register:

CNSW Region Coordinator
Northern Rivers 0414 241 290
Coffs Coast 0427 629 953
Mid North Coast TBA
Hunter 0429 659 990 or 02 4959 2300
Northern Sydney TBA
Western 0427 668 767
Southern Sydney 0412 125 275
South Coast TBA
ACT & Riverina TBA

Visit Club News for club news, club event reports, and to learn about the history of some clubs. All clubs are invited to contribute to these sections.

The Croquet Australia Club Locator lets you explore locations of croquet clubs around he country.


Club Web Sites and Email Addresses

In club registers links are included to visit club web sites, and to email club presidents and secretaries, if this information is supplied.

Note that on this website email addresses are encrypted and not displayed in order to prevent collection for SPAM purposes.