NSW club news archive

17 December 2005 - National Park Newcastle Croquet Club
The National Park Christmas Party was held on Saturday 17th December.

16 December 2005 - Mangrove Mountain Croquet Club
Nearly 60 people attended a Christmas Party at the Mangrove Mountain Croquet Club.

15 December 2005 - National Park Newcastle Croquet Club
John Levick and Geof McDonald attended a special gathering of sportsmen and women to receive National Sports Achievement Awards.

The award ceremony was held on the 15th December 2005 at the Newcastle Sports Ground and was attended by about 100 award recipients The awards were presented by Sharon Grierson the Local Federal Member of Parliament. After the ceremony a morning tea was provided for those attending.

The awards helped to raise the profile of croquet we hope.

12 December 2005 - Taree Croquet Club
Beginner Coach Workshop - Nine enthusiastic players from Port Macquarie, Forster and Taree attended a Beginner Coach Workshop at Taree Club. It was a great day, with lots to learn and lots to do. There was serious discussion and laughter as well. Our district will be well served by these new and enthusiastic Beginner Coaches.

5 December 2005 - Taree Croquet Club
Results of Taree-on-Manning Golf Croquet Carnival - are now available.

Referees and Umpires Re-accreditation Workshop - On 12th October, 16 local referees and umpires attended this workshop. Prepared questions were discussed, then much time spent on the lawn reviewing ‘faults’, and working to understand ‘double taps’, and how a referee can detect a double tap. Hoop and roquet, and other hoop situations were explored, and participants were invited to ask their questions.

Mid North Coast District Championships - These were played at Gloucester CC from 25th October. Division 1 Champion - Jim Hicks (Port Macquarie), Division 2 - Jan Sage (Taree), Division 3 - Shirley Beaton (Gloucester), Division 4 - Brian Manton (Port Macquarie).

Golf Croquet Singles were won by Taree team of Lyn Dimech, Joe Dimech and Bob Hokin. Doubles were won by Gloucester players.

Coaching Workshop for Beginner Coaches - Garry O'Dell will be conducting a workshop on Sunday 11th December, for ten local players who wish to train as beginner coaches.

2 November 2005 - Bundanoon Croquet Club
Bundanoon Croquet Club
invites you to our
"Autumn Carnival"
Wednesday 1st to Tuesday 7th March 2006
Entries close February 1st 2006 - Entry Fee $30.00
Egyptian events start Wednesday afternoon
Singles start Thursday afternoon
Evening Dinner on Sunday evening

23 October 2005 - National Park Newcastle Croquet Club
Christine Pont would like to thank all clubs and individuals who supported the recent raffle National Park Croquet Club held on her behalf. The mallet donated by Ray Puckett (N.Z.) and the mallet cover donated by Jacky McDonald (N.P.C.C.) was won by National Park Club member Pat Davies. The money raised will help with accommodation expenses while in Cairo taking part in The First World Women's Golf Croquet Championship in Nov.

Thank You all for your support and best wishes.


21 October 2005 - Miller Park Croquet Club
Click to enlarge
Well Bulga me. Our lawn is down for it's annual renovation so off to Bulga we went.

The court hadn't improved but Tom the ever genial host assured us all that it had been mowed but who cares anyway it's just great fun to be out in the country.

Clare had an offsider with her and Ken was quite happy to join in even if he was a bit bemused by us all. Wendy was in shock as having come out in Ken's se was on time.

There was a little bit of golf croquet played before lunch but before long it was time to sit down and enjoy ourselves. I cooked the meat and nobody complained. Pity as I was hoping it might be a one off.. Lunch was served on the verandah overlooking the valley and soon suitably polite jokes were the order of the day. how polite depends on your point of view.

The wine flowed freely and enjoyed by all.

Nobody walked up the hill this time.

Unfortunately we had to leave early but hopefully we will have another Bulga of a day in the not too distant future.

Geof McDonald

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