NSW club news archive

2 May 2007 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club

Gala Day

On Wednesday, 2nd May, thirty six members of the club enjoyed a day of golf croquet, novelty games and fellowship.

The novelty games of Top Shot, Run the Hoop, Spot the Hoop, The Ladder, Bagatelle, Corner to Corner, Boob Tube, Corner Lotto and Hurry Skurry proved a great success and were much enjoyed.

During the sausage sizzle prizes were awarded for the winners of each of the novelty events.

A good day was had by all.

Bridget Earle

1 May 2007 - Forster Croquet Club
Several of our members went to Taree on Monday 30th to celebrate their 70th Anniversary and a good day was had by all. The president of Croquet NSW, Jacky McDonald was there so she might fill you in on the day as might Taree Club itself. There were also members from Gloucester, Port Macquarie and Sawtell and Jambaroo Clubs and we played both short Association games and golf Croquet. We were given an attractive scroll on which was a brief history of the Club and club members had prepared a most delicious range of salads to accompany the sausages sizzled by Phil Sage the Greenkeeper who had the lawns in immaculate order.

Carol Armstrong

20 April 2007 - Queanbeyan Croquet Club
Queanbeyan Croquet Club Retains The Farrer Cup

On Saturday the 14th of April a team of four dedicated Croquet players (Yvonne Tarvin, Sarah O Sullivan, John Smith and Alan Honey) headed off to Young Croquet Club to defend the Farrer cup. The Farrer cup has been an annual event over the last decade, between the two inland towns of Queanbeyan and Young. Each club taking turns to host. The matches, whilst played in good cheer, were very competitive with Queanbeyan prevailing 3 games to 1. Yvonne Tarvin continues to be unbeaten in competition.

13 April 2007 - Southern Highlands Croquet Club
The Southern Highlands Croquet Club, at Exeter has had a very busy beginning to 2007. Our courts were cored and fertilized over the Christmas period and by mid January we were back playing both Association and Golf Croquet. Even in the misty Southern Highlands, rain was at an all time low over the summer period and members had a busy time in November, December and January, following a watering schedule. However, we were saved from further early morning trips to Exeter by a welcome 200mm of rain in February /March.

Members of the Berrima View Club experience the fun of playing
Golf Croquet as guests of the Southern Highlands Croquet Club
on their courts at Exeter

The President and Committee decided, in mid 2006, that for the club to be a viable entity, we needed to be more pro-active and engage in a membership drive. To this end, the Club started placing brochures in shops and libraries, to encourage an interest in playing Golf Croquet. Research had told us that other clubs had substantially increased their membership by promoting the pleasures of playing Golf Croquet as a social game so to encourage this interest we invited various social groups and organizations, such as Nattai Probus Club and Berrima View Club, to our courts at Exeter.

We also participated in Senior’s week and, in late 2006, offered a 7 weeks course in playing Golf Croquet for 15 U3A members. It was these activities, combined with Come and Try Croquet articles in the local paper that has seen our membership climb from 8 to 19 members within 10 months. By continuing with these events we hope to steadily move our membership closer to our target of 30 and, with these numbers, perhaps be able to see ways of enhancing our existing facilities by providing more seating under a shaded area somewhere away from the near proximity of our courts.

Members of the Nattai Probus Club seen receiving instructions
on playing the basics of Golf Croquet from the secretary of the
Southern Highlands Croquet Club, Helen Coventry (at right)

In March, the Club was very sorry to lose two of its long time members, Axel and Gai Petersen. The Petersens, who were guests of the Club at a lunch held in their honour at the Exeter Café, have re-located to Melbourne and their active commitment to the club will be greatly missed.

One direct result of our increased membership has been our ability to expand our playing days from 2 per week to 4. Association Croquet is still played on Wednesday mornings while Golf Croquet is on Friday mornings, but with the option of also playing on Tuesday and Saturday afternoons.

27 March 2007 - Jamberoo Croquet Club
Our Tenth Anniversary Celebrations

Another year older, perhaps a little wiser, and a celebration worthy of the grand old age of ten! It will be a minor miracle if any of the members and guests present on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th March are able to attend the 100th anniversary talked about by Club President, David Simmonds, but all agreed that from firm foundations, Jamberoo Croquet Club is definitely progressing in the right direction.

Two days of celebration were blessed with hot (if not a little humid!) weather and both days followed the same format in very festive atmosphere. Members from the Wollongong and Nowra Clubs shared the fun on Friday whilst Saturday saw visitors from Bundanoon, Southern Highlands and Sutherland at the Keith Irvine Oval. Founder members of the Club, Allan Vosti, Pauline Vosti and Audrey Lamb visited on Friday and on Saturday, Audrey joined us once again.

Members of Jamberoo mingled with guests under the shade of the trees, renewing friendships over cups of tea, before the opening address. David Simmonds welcomed everyone and briefly explained the advent and development of the Club. Jamberoo Secretary, Roger Evans, outlined the domestic arrangements and format for play and then the fun commenced. Patrick Moroney organised games of Golf Croquet and Len Chafer was responsible for Association. Several games designed to challenge and improve skills continued throughout the event and were led by Roger Evans.

Cakes to tempt the most determined dieters rapidly disappeared at the morning and afternoon tea breaks and sausages from the BBQ with various salads were a lunchtime treat. The ladies and gentlemen that organised, produced and served all the delicious food deserve our thanks; it was a great display. Further temptations were the craft stall and raffle. The history board compiled by Brenda Evans gave a fascinating insight into the last ten years including the knowledge that some Jamberoo members used to have hair!

Two wonderful days were closed with the presentation of prizes for all competitions, words of thanks and praise from the visiting players and congratulations delivered by the President to all members of Jamberoo Croquet Club. Very well done everyone and happy birthday Jamberoo.

Sue England

14 March 2007 - Jamberoo Croquet Club
Seniors Day at Jamberoo Croquet Club

The plan was for blue skies and sunshine; so much for plans! After many hours of organising and arranging - meetings, grant applications, advertising, media releases, mowing, polishing and baking - it was very disappointing to wake up to black, thundery skies and rain. OK! Australia needs rain, but not during New South Wales Seniors Week!

Our chosen day to support the "Live Life" campaign was Monday 12th March and rain was not going to be a deterrent. There had been too much preparation by a band of willing members of Jamberoo Croquet Club and besides, sixteen seniors had registered for the event.

The turnout by club members was excellent and the lawns at Keith Irvine Oval were a hive of activity by 0930 and guess what? The rain had stopped, yippee; the cakes and sandwiches could be displayed on the chequered trestle table, an information table and photograph board tucked under the trees and tea and coffee were brewing. We were ready to welcome our guests for the day, and sure enough, nine seniors were soon being measured up for mallets and given instruction in grips and basic techniques.

By 1430, thirteen seniors had played their first games of golf croquet accompanied by various members of the Club, the cakes and sandwiches had disappeared and a photographer and reporter for the Illawarra Mercury had joined us, as promised. Oh! Yes, and the sky was blue and the sun hot so the plan wasn't too far out!

This was a sociable and encouraging day, encouraging to see such good support from our own members and to see the interest and enthusiasm from the seniors who tried their hand at a new sport. We hope that they all had a fun day and that some of them at least would like to join our club. Well done everyone.

Sue England

7 February 2007 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club
Port Macquarie Croquet Club Interacting with Hastings Headway

For the second time the Croquet Club held mallet sports with members from Hastings Headway. These members have all suffered brain injury as the result of trauma.

Once again all enjoyed great fun and laughter and look forward to the next meeting.

Bridget Earle
Port Macquarie Croquet Club

1 February 2007 - Jamberoo Croquet Club
Wednesday 24th January 2007 was the true tenth birthday of Jamberoo Croquet Club and to celebrate the event, an informal BYO BBQ was held at the lawns. Several people arrived early to re-mark the hoop positions for our newly renovated lawn number two before games of Association and Golf Croquet were played by the thirty or so people present.

Ron Wilkinson fired up the BBQ around 6 p.m. and the delicious cooking aroma of steak, sausages and onions was soon enticing players away from their games and down to the serious business of eating! Unfortunately the flies were also lured by the BBQ and diners had to guard their meals if they didn't want to share!

The evening was rounded off with birthday cake and a rendition of the traditional "Happy Birthday" song. Some stalwarts recommenced play after the meal but were finally beaten by the lack of light. Fortunately the weather was kind and it was a beautiful night for the event, which was enjoyed by all.

Roger Evans

Note that the official tenth birthday celebrations will take place on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th March.

30 January 2007 - Maitland Croquet Club
Maitland Croquet Club held it’s fourth Australia Day Singles Golf Tournament as part of the 2007 Australia Day celebrations. Play was divided into 4 four divisions and four blocks with each group having from five to six players. The tournament started at exactly 8am under pleasant conditions but as the day progressed it slowly turned into the typical hot and humid weather most people come to expect in Maitland. The tournament attracted entries from most of the Lower Hunter clubs with many players coming from the North Coast, Sydney and Wollongong.

All games were 13 hoops with no time limit and with the exception of one or two games most were completed well within one hour. Using four full sized lawns with two games (primary and secondary) being played at the same time there was a quick turnover in games despite the inevitable small delays when games clashed as they arrived at the same hoop. Despite the quickness of most games it was not until the very final match of the day when Geof McDonald and Lo Hearne fought out an epic battle that lasted well over one hour, the final match winning hoop being fought over for more than 20 minutes. As all the other divisions and blocks had finished attention was focused on these two experienced players as they continued with their one on one combat. It was without doubt the game of the tournament.

By 7pm the days’ play was finished and all that remained was the presentations. The local council had gratefully supplied the prize money which was evenly divided between the eight division and block winners. A great day was had by all and many stayed over night to join in ordinary club play on the Saturday morning before heading home. For the many organizers and support personnel the day was a credit to their skills in conducting an event that went off smoothly from the very first to the last game. To all those who played and to our many spectators Maitland Croquet Club thanks you.

A few bits extra:

More than 40 contestants
About 180 games played
All standards of play catered for - from Open Division up to handicaps of 9

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