NSW club news archive

26 March 2015 - Nowra Croquet Club

On the 19th March 2015, Margaret and Don Sawyers, Pat and Keith Poynter and Gail and Bob Williamson participated in the Young Autumn Golf Carnival. Pat and Keith were representing Glyn and Carol Williams and were successful in winning the Block B doubles and also, Keith being runner-up in the Block F singles. Bob Williamson was runner-ip in the Bock E singles. As usual Margaret, was kept busy refereeing In all the members enjoyed the competition and social activities.

Bob Williamson
Gail Williamson, Don Sawers, Pat Poynter, Margaret Sawers, Bob Williamson, Keith Poynter
Referee Margaret Sawers, watching Geoff Akers Wollongong
Pat Poynter making contact
Hoop running from Don Sawers
Keith Poynter watched by Gail Williamson
14 March 2015 - Nowra Croquet Club

On Friday 13th March, 2015, members of the 'Friends of Callala C.P.S.A. Social club attended the Nowra lawns for a "How to play Golf Croquet" social morning. President John and Captain Margaret welcomed the visitors. Games were held during the morning with a break for morning tea. All players had a good time and the visit is expected to a regular social day.

Bob Williamson

Visitors Eileen Webber, Jan Bowditch and Gordon Webber watch club member Ann Worrall going for the shot
Visitors Margaret Duncan, Lorraine Taylor and club member Wayne Worrall watch yellow driven by visitor Elaine Coid
Club members Doug Houssenloge, John Deeves, visitor Jock Cooper, watch visitor Annette Wilkinson run the hoop
"White's on the way"
watched by Club member Gail Williamson, visitors Howard Duncan, Ray Coid and Club member Davijd Turvey
13 March 2015 - Nowra Croquet Club

On Sunday 8th March, 2015 a fun and farewell day was held at the club to wish Mike McKenzie and his fiancé Vicki Langdon, all the best on their move to Indented Head on the Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria. The games of pirates and modified golf were contested with friendly vigour !! between members.

Other members attended to enjoy lunch with Mike and Vicki. Good wishes were conveyed by Club President, John and Club Captain, Margaret. In response, Mike thanked the club and members for their help and accepting him into the Nowra Croquet Family, during a sad time in his life. Mike has also given to the club much assistance and enjoyment. Both Mike and Vicki will be missed, but never forgotten.

Bob Williamson

Red to Block
L-R Pat Poynter, Gail Williamson, Marie McLean and Keith Pointer
"Watch out"
L-R Marie Dillon, Terry Hoffman, Shirley Deeves and Fay Marks
Friendly conflict
L-R Phil Pickard, John Deeves, Don Sawyers, and David Turvey
A happy Crowd
Guests of Honour
Mike McKenzie, Club Captan Margaret Sawers and Vicky Langdon
Mike McKenzie with Club President, John Deeves.
27 January 2015 - Nowra Croquet Club
Nowra enjoys Golf Croquet fun on Australia Day

On a very overcast but fortunately fine day, Nowra hosted their annual Australia Day activity for 31 visitors and members. Members instructed and joined in with the visitors on the lawns, whilst those waiting their turns enjoyed complementary morning tea. The games continued well into the afternoon, only broken for the traditional barbecue lunch. All the visitor enjoyed themselves learning the game and catching up with some members of the club whom they had not seen for many years!

Bob Williamson

Visitors Kyra,Garry Ellie and Derrilin Marshall,
watched by member Marie Mclean
Visitor Lance Berryman, watched by club president John Deeves and visitors Bob Davis, Laurel Berryman, Shirley Deeves
Full lawns!
Visitor Patty Tankard, member Nick Russell, visitors Dawn and Lyle Sawyers member Peter Loadsman
"High Five from the young'uns" visitors Kyra and Ellie Marshall
"Our happy Mob" after the days activities
6 October 2014 - Nowra Croquet Club
South Nowra Probus enjoys annual day with Nowra Croquet Club

On Thursday 2nd October 2014, thirty members of the the South Nowra Probus club visited the lawns of the Nowra Crouquet Club, Bomaderry for their annual social day of croquet.

After having to postpone on two occasions due to poor weather, the visitors enjoyed a full day of golf croquet with club members in splendid spring weather.

Four half courts were used to capacity to cater for the increasing popularity of the social day.

A barbecue lunch was provided by Probus for all to enjoy.

Bob Williamson
Enjoying a spring day
Visitor Bob Turner shows club member David Turvey how to "jump!"
"Winning shot" - visitors Ian and Joy Morrison, and club member Keith Poynter watch visitor Chris Turner run the hoop
"Yes!" - visitor Emily Markham is jubilant with club member Peter Loadsman
"Which shot to make" - visitors Dianne Radburn, Jean Craig, discuss with club member Maree Haley and visitor Bruce Radburn
29 September 2014 - Queanbeyan Croquet Club
Eightieth Anniversary

Queanbeyan Croquet Club recently celebrated its eightieth anniversary, with sparkling wine and a cake cut by Queanbeyan Mayor, Cr. Tim Overall. Three reporters, and a WIN film crew also attended; along with representatives from Canberra CC, and neighbours such as the Queanbeyan Women's Bowls Club & the Queanbeyan Local Museum. Club Captain Charles Douglas presided, in place of injured Club President Linda Nickels. At least two recruits look like joining as a direct result of the event, further strengthening QCC's efforts to build its membership for 2015 and secure its next 20 years...

Peter Freer

4 September 2014 - Nowra Croquet Club
Probus Hits Out At Croquet

On Monday 1st September, 2014 Twenty two members of Nowra and Shoalhaven Heads Ladies Probus Clubs enjoyed a great day of golf croquet, hosted by members of the Nowra Croquet Club at Bomaderry. This is an annual event and as well as golf croquet, all players enjoyed the various skill games provided by the club. A well earnt lunch break of a barbecue provided by Probus was enjoyed by all with some members enjoying the afternoon session. Nowra Croquet Club is again looking forward to hosting Probus Clubs.

Bob Williamson

Visitors Lyn and Ron Thomson watched by Mike Mckenzie and Keith Poynter Nowra Club
Visitor Paulin Butt receiving tips from Marie Dillon, Nowra Club, with other visitors Geoff Herne, Rena Lamont
L-R David Turvey Nowra club, and visitors Pat O'Dwyer, Sandy Campbell, Lorraine Crosswell
Not all beer and Skittles for visitors
L-R Ken Clapman, Kev Cummins, John Crosswell
A great day for Croquet!!!
Relaxing after lunch
24 August 2014 - Nowra Croquet Club
Nowra Hosts Golf Croquet Rules Workshop

On Friday 22nd August 2014 Nowra conducted a rules workshop for some 42 participants from Canberra, Orange, Wollongong, Jamberoo, Milton/Ulludulla, West Street Nowra, and Nowra.

Peter Smith, State handicapper for Golf and Association, and his wife Bev, State director of Golf refereeing conducted practical and theory lessons throughout the day. A barbecue lunch was enjoyed by all, with all attending gaining valuable knowledge of the latest rules. A section was also allocated to forthcoming referees. The Club was very appreciative of the attendance of Peter and Bev.

Bob Williamson

Warm welcome to Peter and Bev by club Captain Margaret Sawers
Double taps
Circle of knowledge
Attentive audience
Here's what to do!
12 August 2014 - Nowra Croquet Club
Croquet players enjoy Shoalhaven City Council Grant

Nowra Croquet Club located at Bomaderry have erected a sun shelter for members to enjoy whilst playing and watching the game of croquet. Having applied to be part of Community Grants Scheme provided by Shoalhaven City Council, the Nowra club was awarded $1000.00 towards the purchase of the sun shelter which was much appreciated. The grants are allocated annually in August with a maximum grant to $2000.00.

Bob Williamson
Club Publicity Officer

"Shady club members"
L-R: David Turvey, Vivian Bell, Wendy Wade, John Deeves, Mike McKenzie, Gail Williamson,Terry Hoffmann Glyn Williams
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