Old and superseded news items

News Archive

6 September 2010
Congratulations to our State golf croquet team who are ecstatic, having successfully defended the World Croquet Federation Australian Golf Croquet Interstate Shield at the Sunshine Coast last week.

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The event lasted for 5 days. Tests were best of 2 mixed doubles (4 pairs) and best of 2 singles (4 men and 4 women) and the reverse giving a total of 20 matches per day for each team. Our 2009 team won the trophy last year by defeating all other states and this year's team were delighted to retain it. Results...
2 September 2010
Congratulations to Alix Verge, winner of the inaugural Australian Golf Croquet Gold Medal. Results...
Congratulations to John Levick, winner of the inaugural Australian Men's Golf Croquet Open Singles, to Nick Macoun in second place and to Mike Jenner in third place. Results...
23 August 2010
This year the 27th Makara Croquet Carnival will be played between Monday 22nd October and Friday 12th November. It includes a wide range of Association and Golf croquet events, played on the lawns of the Hurstville, Holroyd, Marrickville, Port Hacking, Strathfield, Sutherland and Wollongong clubs. Download its flier, association and golf croquet entry forms here. Entries close on 22nd September.
15 August 2010
Club details have been updated following annual club re-affiliation. Welcome to Ballina Cherry Street Croquet Club who share the same lawns as Ballina Croquet Club.
8 August 2010
The MacRobertson Shield is being played in England from Fri 6th to Sun 22nd August. Click here to visit the MacRobertson Shield website. Click here to visit the Australian Team blog. All Aussie spectators are invited to email to become a blog author.
22 July 2010
The NSW Golf Croquet Handicap Championships will be played 18-24 September at Taree & Gloucester Croquet Clubs.

A reminder to everyone that these were most successful last year and the Tournament Committee is certain that this year will be just as successful. Many thanks to Gloucester Club for stepping in when Forster withdrew and the members of Gloucester are really looking forward to being involved. They have even organised with the local Caravan Park to give a discount if you mention croquet (Gloucester Holiday Park Denison Street) and I think Phil Sage was heading off to see if the one at Taree (Dawson River) will do the same.

Please send your entries to Croquet NSW by 2nd September. Just remember that CNSW does not have a limit to their entries - the more the merrier!

Jacky McDonald
Tournament Committee

12 July 2010
The Annual Meeting for Croquet NSW will be held on Saturday 11th September 2010 at 10.00am at the Concordia Club at Tempe. All positions will be declared vacant. Nominations for all positions should be sent to: The Secretary
Croquet NSW
PO Box 5096
Marrickville 1475
by July 31st 2010 using the CNSW Handbook, Appendix 2 Nomination Form...
26 June 2010
The NSW team for the Golf Croquet Interstate Shield to be held on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland in September is:

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John LevickAlix Verge
Ron Johnstone (Vice Captain)    Pam Gentle (Captain)
Nick MacounChristine Pont
Mike JennerRos Johnstone
Martyn Prins (Reserve)Jacky McDonald (Reserve)

Team managers are Peter Smith and John Compton.

9 June 2010
The June CNSW Newsletter is now available. Visit the Newsletter page...
3 June 2010
An evening is being held to celebrate the winning of the Eire Cup by NSW. The details of the function are as follows:

Date: Friday June 11
Location: Greengate Hotel, Killara (private function room)
Food: platters of fingerfood
Cost: $20 per person
Drinks: to be purchased at the bar.
Time: from 6.30 pm

If you would like to attend please advise Alison Sharp on 9498 3577 or

The function is open to all players & supporters. Come and celebrate with the team.