The inaugural Selectors Ten event

Selectors Ten

The Selectors in their collective wisdom this year have decided to hold an extra tournament for those players who are on the verge of higher honours. The idea originated from Jacky McDonald and we thank her for it.

For want of a better name we have called it the Selectors Ten and we hope that it fills what we felt on considering the idea was a void in our tournaments for those players who are nearly 'there'.

The players chosen to participate in the inaugural 'Selectors Ten are as follows and are not in ranked order:

Nick Macoun
Jim Neale (replacing John Levick)
John Eddes
Jonathan Bowen
Ken Edwards
Ron Johnstone
Tim Murphy
Gary O'Dell
Bill Blaikie
Chris Wilson

The Tournament will be a 'Round Robin' held at Tempe over the three days 11th to 13th November inclusive.

To the players selected congratulations and may you have a pleasant and competitive tournament.

Geof McDonald
Chairman Selectors