What’s happening with coaching...

Coaching at Taree, and 2006 events

A coaching workshop was conducted at Taree Croquet Club on 11 December 2005 by Garry O’Dell, a Level 2 Accredited Coach. There were 9 participants from the Forster and Taree clubs and two Level 1 coaches also attended as part of their ongoing re-accreditation process.

As all the players were interested in obtaining Beginner Coach status, a full day was used to introduce them to the latest coaching techniques. Garry used the Beginner Coaching Manual guidelines to take the players through the correct coaching techniques for teaching such aspects of croquet as the grip, swing and stance etc. There was plenty of on-court practical work, during which time both players and coach constantly interacted. In addition to the basic skills of ball control and the importance of a pendulum swing, the takeoff and the circle hoop approach techniques were not only demonstrated but also practiced by the players until they felt both confident and comfortable using these methods when introducing new players to the game.

The need to be aware of health and safety matters on the court were also integrated into the day’s activities. The participants were happy with the levels of skills they had attained, and it is intended that a follow-up workshop early in 2006 will see these players complete their accreditation course to become Beginner Coaches.

Similar workshops to this will be held in March-April, 2006 at Strathfield Croquet Club for all those players who have contacted the State Coaching Director regarding Beginner Coach (BC) training.

There will also be a training day for aspiring Level 1 coaches; to be held at Strathfield CC in Autumn 2006.

Clubs will be advised of the various dates for the workshops and details will also be posted on the Croquet NSW web site.

Any queries should be addressed to Betty Brown by phone on (02) 4332 5260, by mail at 109 Eloora Road, Toowoon Bay 2261, or click to email Betty.

Betty Brown
State Coaching Director
27 December 2005