Croquet Australia has recently issued a revised and updated version (2005) of the "Orientation to Coaching Manual". The new edition is called "'ORIENTATION COACHING COURSES' encompassing Aussie Croquet Coach Training and Developing Aussie Coach Training".

This 20-page book, while using some of the previous material, has been effectively upgraded to another level, and would be most useful to players and Clubs who are involved with school-children. It would also be a very useful addition to the resources of both Beginner and Level 1 coaches, as it indicates some of the methods that can be used to proceed from Aussie Croquet into Association croquet.

There is a useful section on managing students, and although most of it is commonsense, it is comforting to read that there are traits which are common to all children and reassuring to know there are methods which can be employed so that both children and coaches can enjoy themselves.

A good section is that which deals with "How to Approach Schools", if your club is interested in extending croquet into the community. In addition to schools, it could easily be adapted and applied to community organizations.

The first half of the book is devoted to Aussie Croquet and includes the skills (complete with both written and explanatory diagrams), rules and some elementary tactics. The latter part of the book concentrates on developing Aussie Croquet into Association Croquet, by suggesting the stroke order, the terminology that should be used to describe the strokes and, using both simple diagrams and explanations, describes each of the strokes and how they should be presented to students. It also identifies some drills which will enable the terms "Roquet", "Croquet" and "Continuation Stroke" to be learned and understood.

The various Croquet Strokes are then explained, using simple terms such as Straight, Split, Take Off and Leave Behind, Flat mallet sweep, Hoop Approach, Sloped Mallet and Knocking the Other Ball. Each description is separate and the explanation is accompanied by a simple annotated diagram. Association croquet players would perhaps quibble at using these terms, but it has been found that these simpler terms are more easily understood by beginning players.

The last couple of pages are devoted to some beginner tactics, e.g. Game Rules, How to Get Going, How to Keep Going, How to end each turn under control and How to get to the finishing peg before the opponent. Good for the beginning player and excellent as a check list for both players and coaches.

A method of assessing students and a detailed "Developing Aussie Croquet-Teaching Module" rounds off the book. This module lists the skills, learning activity and assessment for each activity mentioned in the book,

As shown on our publications page, the cost of the book is $8.00 plus GST and Postage and is available from:

The State Coaching Director
14 February 2006