What’s happening with coaching...

Golf Croquet Coaching at Strathfield C.C.
11th April 2006

On 11th April, 2006, eighteen croquet players descended on Strathfield Croquet Club, to participate in the first Golf Croquet Coaching workshop held in the metropolitan area. The number had to be limited to the number of facilitators who could attend, so this gives an indication of the popularity of Golf Croquet. The State Coaching Director has been getting a number of inquiries from clubs wanting to know if there was a coaching course available specifically for people who only play Golf Croquet.

Until now, the coaching courses have been aimed at preparing coaches for teaching Association croquet, and even at the simplest level, includes skills not required by Golf croquet players, e.g. Take-off-and-leave-behind stroke and Circle Hoop Approach.. However, it is still important that beginning golf croquet players be taught the correct grip, stance, swing etc, so they can get the full benefit from the game of golf croquet.

This workshop concentrated on the methods of teaching the skills that are used by Golf croquet players, so they can use both mallet and balls correctly, and in the shortest possiblre time be able to play the game with both knowledge of the game and the skills necessary to succeed.

The participants were very keen and enthusiastic and quickly embraced the concepts explained to them. The workshop was very much 'hands-on' and time was spent putting the theories into practice. Questions and answers flowed freely between players and coaches, and a very friendly atmosphere was a feature of the 1/2day course.

Each player was issued with a set of notes which they can use as guidelines for the preparation of their own coaching programmes, and a Certificate of Attainment which was issued by Croquet NSW, as this is not an Australian Sports Commission Accredited course at this juncture. .

Clubs involved included: Jamberoo, Wollongong, Hazelbrook, Maitland and Pt. Hacking, with multiple groups from each club.

Betty Brown (SCD) planned and ran the workshop, very ably assisted by Mary and Wal Fernance.

State Coaching Director.
15th April 2006