Attention school students...

NSW Schools Croquet Championships
Mackey Park, Tempe
Thursday 30th November - Friday 1st December, 2006

It has been decided to introduce an annual Croquet Championship for school students. This year all competition will be held in Sydney but in future years it is envisaged that the competition will be held in each of the six regions with finals being held at an agreed venue.

At the moment two days have been set aside but this may change depending on the number of entries. Play will be organised in round robin blocks. Competition will be held in three divisions:-

  1. Primary Years 4 - 6
  2. Junior Secondary Years 7 - 9
  3. Senior Secondary Years 10 - 12

This year all divisions will play Golf Croquet the rules of which are on the ACA website (click here to download). Referees will be present at each game.

Children will NOT be permitted to leave the venue during the day and will be supervised at all times. Parents and teachers will be welcome.

Students will be expected to wear their school sports uniform and MUST wear a hat and sunscreen for protection.

Tempe Station is on the Eastern Suburbs and Illawarra Line. The courts are opposite the station on Richardson Road. Parking is available.

Players are advised to bring their own lunch and drink bottle. Tea and coffee are available for spectators.

Entries should be sent to the address provided by Monday 6th November

Croquet NSW Inc
Attention: Mrs J. McDonald
PO Box 5096
Marrickville NSW 1475

Click here to download the Entry Form.

No Entry Fee Required. Schools wanting coaching prior to the Championship should contact their local club or myself on 4930 0733.

Jacky McDonald
Vice President