Preparations for 2008 Eire Cup

The 2008 NSW Association Croquet Team continued its preparations for the 2008 Eire Cup with a training weekend at the Tempe lawns over the weekend of 23-24 February.

On the Saturday, the team went through various training and match practice routines, and also benefited from a presentation by the National Lawn Bowls, Cameron Curtis, who provided some insights into preparing for major events, sports psychology and the mental aspect of games like lawn bowls and croquet.

On the Sunday, the team played matches against a "challenge team" which replicated a 20-match day of Eire Cup play (comprising 4 doubles matches and 16 singles matches). The "challenge team was made up of Alix Verge, Pam Gentle, Christine Pont, Lorraine Le Blang, Nick Macoun, John Levick, Alan Walsh and Martyn Prins.

On behalf of the NSW team I would like to thank all those players for making themselves available to play. I would also like to acknowledge the strong and spirited competition challenge team members provided in all matches. While the State team won the day 18-2, competition was intense throughout and many matches very close.

Before we head off to Brisbane in late March for the Eire Cup, all our doubles pairings will be competing in the 5 and Under doubles weekend being played at Tempe on the weekend of 15-16 March, which will provide an excellent chance to fine-tune our doubles play.

Stephen Richards

State Team    Challenge Team 
C Aberley & R Graham26tp (CA)   A Verge & P Gentle1
A Sharpe & N Taylor26   C Pont & L LeBlang21
P Landrebe & M Jenner26   N Macoun & J Levick16
T Murphy & S Richards  26tp (SR)   M Prins & A Walsh0
Peter Landrebe26tp   John Levick3
Chloe Aberley26   Alix Verge20
Stephen Richards26   Alan Walsh8
Tim Murphy14   Martyn Prins13
Rosemary Graham26   Pam Gentle19
Nerida Taylor26   Christine Pont0
Mike Jenner26   Nick Macoun17
Chloe Aberley26   Pam Gentle8
Tim Murphy0   Alan Walsh26tp
Peter Landrebe26   Nick Macoun10
Stephen Richards26   Martyn Prins0
Rosemary Graham0   Alix Verge26
Alison Sharpe26   Christine Pont10
Alison Sharpe26   Lorraine Le Blang9
Nerida Taylor26   Lorraine Le Blang10
Mike Jenner26   John Levick23
State Team18   Challenge Team2