School croquet is fun...

NSW Schools Championship 2008

Numbers were down for the Schools competition in 2008 and this was a disappointment but those children who were there thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Blackheath Primary School was the only competing school in the Junior Division and for this my thanks go to Bill Haines whose enthusiasm knows no bounds. The competition as usual was fierce and there were some very close games. It was also great to see the odd parent there.

The winner of the Junior division was Zindze Speede with the runner up being Aneka James-Wright

There were only four players in the Senior Division and this was a further disappointment. Bob Dircks accompanied daughter Jacqui (plus boyfriend) down from the Tamworth area for the third and final time. Jacqui did not do as well as she wished. A mixed variety of games gave the four enough competition for the day and the winner was Anthony Hackett from Mount Austin High School Wagga Wagga and the runner up was Jacqui Dircks, Calrossy Anglican School.

The weather was kind to us and at the end of the day a good time had been had by all.

My sincere thanks go to those referees who gave up their day to officiate. They looked very smart and totally professional in their bright new yellow vests. A special thank you to the ‘Loves’ who catered for the multitude.?

It would be nice to think that there will be a dramatic increase in numbers next year and I am only too willing to help out clubs who require assistance.

Jacky McDonald