Photos and captions courtesy of Geof McDonald and Peter Smith

2010 Australian Open Golf Croquet Championships

John Levick standing beside the score board after winning the Australian G.C. Open Singles Championship

John Levick taking an air swing whilst attempting a long range jump shot
Needless to say he didn’t get it

Peter Smith in the 'land of nod' who said croquet wouldn’t put you to sleep

How many men does it take to put a hoop in?

John and Alix after John won therefore Alix obviously came second because she didn’t win

Liz and Bruce Fleming just glad to be out of the rain

John and Ron lining up a shot during the Doubles which they won

Players taking shelter during a rain storm
If it was our kids you would kick their backsides and tell them not to be so stupid

John and Ron the winners of the Doubles

Together with the Runners up Dallas Cooke and Geoff Young from NZ

Steve Harden looking very pleased with himself
after gaining 4th place in his first major Golf Croquet event

Martin Prins on his way to winning the "Y" knockout and 9th place overall

Pam Gentle is all smiles as she displays the trophy she won
by defeating Peter Smith in the plate final

Christine Pont had many duties during the event
(shown compering the presentation)
as well as attaining 6th place through her tenacious play

Event winner John Levick, referee Margaret Thompson and runner-up Alix Verge
pose at the completion of their most entertaining tussle

A proud John Levick stands beside the scoreboard used during his match
against World Women's Champion Alix Verge