Photos courtesy of Peter Smith

2011 NSW Golf Croquet Championships, Mens Open Singles

Thanks go to Ros Johnstone for the great organisation and cheerful manner in which the event was run. Everything was spot on and all players were impressed. Well done.
The newly revamped gardens and surrounding shrubs and trees at Tempe make a great framework for the behind the scenes activities always needed in our chosen pastime. Without our managers, referees and workers out sport would not exist. Peter Freer is shown receiving instructions (as if he needs them) from John Levick. Both of these gentlemen are always involved in these unpraised, vital activities and we, as players, are very grateful.
Talent and composure were shown by Steve Thornton, who performed very well against a strong field. Another keen competitor from the Maitland club. Is this a take-over bid?
Much praise is due to those responsible for the obvious improvements to the gardens and lawns at Tempe. Hopefully John is contemplating his next shot and not about to play from a very unusual stance.
John Compton was pleased to reach the quarter finals, however hoop running was not his forté in this competition. Maybe it was the pressure of high office weighing on his mind, but we all know the fine fighting spirit he posesses, and we are sure he will return to form with a vengeance.
Ron Johnstone has lost little of his accuracy and determination, however recent illnesses have left their mark and Ron was unfortunate to be beaten by John Levick in the quarter finals as he played very tenaciously. With a return to his past strength and resilience, Ron will soon be up to his old tricks.
Martyn Prins played very consistently to be eventually declared runner up to Mike Jenner in a very tight five game final.
Enjoying a great return to form and pleasant autumnal weather, Tony Hall reached the semi-finals, where he was defeated by Martyn Prins in an interesting battle.
Three very wise spectators...
Joe Dimech and eventual winner Mike Jenner locked in an intriguing battle. Mike showed great skill and accuracy even after a long period away from the lawns.
Put your own caption on this one...
John Levick shows his wonderful form. John has a magnificent record in 2010 and 2011, however he was defeated by Mike Jenner in the semi-finals of this event even after showing his legendary accuracy and calmness.