

A number of Beginner Coaches are due or over due for reaccreditation. During my travels to events this year I intend to make myself available to those coaches who wish to reaccredit or perhaps take up coaching the opportunity to do so up to and including Level 1 coaches. The first of these Workshops will be held in Canberra on Tuesday 7th February from 0830 until 1200 and on my return leg at Wagga Wagga on Thursday 16th February from 1400 until late. Anyone wishing to attend these sessions can contact me on 042 762 9953 or by . Evidence of Coaching and workshops attended to satisfy the Croquet Australia Reaccreditation requirements (see Beginner and Level 1 Coaching Manuals for details) will be required and the cost to attend is $10 plus the $7.50 registration fee with NCAS for Level 1 coaches, please make any cheques payable to CNSW.

I will be detailing my travels on the CNSW website throughout the year for any Clubs or players who would like to take the advantage of the opportunity to reaccredit. Those coaches who are due for reaccreditation and have not done so by 31st October 2012 will be moved to the Inactive List until they have meet the requirements required by Croquet Australia. Any coach who is unsure of their reaccreditation due date can contact me for confirmation of their requirements.

Barb Piggott