

Coaching has been very well received throughout the state this year and more sessions have been committed to by Clubs. The first of these is a Golf Croquet introduction to Rules and general coaching session, which includes tactics and playing with / against extra turns to be held at Urunga Croquet Club at 09.00 AM on Thursday 5 July. The cost of this session is $10, but will include a sausage sizzle lunch.

There is still time for Association players to register for the Laws Refresher to be held at Tempe on Friday 20th July commencing at 10.30 AM and the general coaching sessions commencing at 09.30 AM on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd July being conducted by David Wise, the National Coaching Director - AC. Any players interested in attending either the Laws or coaching sessions should contact me either by or ring 042 762 9953. The charge for the Laws Refresher is $5.00 and the coaching is $20.00.

Muswellbrook Croquet Club will be hosting a Golf Croquet introduction to Rules and general coaching session, which includes tactics and playing with / against extra turns on Sunday 9 September. The cost of this session is $10.00. For more information on this session please contact Kaye Martin of the Muswellbrook Club.

Barb Piggott