

After a brief rest from coaching due to playing commitments I can now announce that more sessions have been committed to by Clubs. The first of these is a Golf Croquet introduction to Rules and general coaching session, which includes tactics and playing with / against extra turns to be held at Muswellbrook Croquet Club at 09.30 AM on Sunday 9 September. For more information on this session please contact Kaye Martin of the Muswellbrook Club.

Port Macquarie Croquet Club will be hosting a similar session on Saturday 29 September from 12.30 PM. Jan Sage will also be in attendance at this session to answer any questions on the Rules of Golf Croquet. For more information on this session please contact John Hicks from Port Macquarie.

Association players have not been forgotten and the three newly trained Level 2 Association Coaches will be on hand at Taree on Sunday 30th September to run a session similar to the two sessions ran at Tempe in July. Association players on the North Coast are encouraged to attend to enhance their skills and this session will count as points towards accreditation for any qualified coaches who attend. Please contact Jan Sage for any additional information required.

Any Clubs interested in hosting a Coaching Workshop should contact me to arrange a suitable time. My details are available on the Contacts page of CNSW Website.

Barb Piggott