GC Workshops


The National Director of Coaching - GC, Greg Bury, will be holding two workshops at the Maitland Croquet Club in early February.

The first of these is on Friday 1st February and is to qualify players as Golf Croquet coaches. Both the Level O (orientation) and Level 1 program will be available on the day.

The Level O program is designed to provide coaches with the ability to teach new players and the players completing the Level 1 program will achieve competency in teaching the skills and tactics required to teach intermediate and advanced players. Players wishing to attend Level 1 must attend Level O and have successfully completed the NCAS Beginning Coaching Principles Course available at the link below. A copy of their certificate is required for CNSW coaching records - players currently listed in CNSW Year Book as Level 1 or Level 2 Association coaches do not required to provide copy of certificate as this has already been recorded.


Unfortunately places at these workshops are limited therefore not everyone who wishes to attend will be successful in gaining a position at the workshop depending on numbers applying to attend. As this is the first workshop to be held in NSW it is important that as many Clubs as possible benefit by having a qualified Golf Croquet coach within their Club and places will be allocated with that principle in mind. Anyone who is unsuccessful in obtaining a place will still be able to qualify as a Golf Croquet coach as a number of players will also be qualified as Presenters and workshops will then be conducted throughout NSW to qualify players as coaches.

If more than one player from a Club wishes to attend, Clubs will be asked to prioritise their members so ensure we have the most suitable person/s from each Club attending.

The second workshop on Saturday 2nd February is open to all players who want to improve their game. Greg will be assisted at this session by a number of senior players from CNSW to ensure all attending benefit from the opportunity. The day will be divided into two sessions with the first session open to players of all levels to attend and covers general topics. The second session is for advanced players (handicaps 0 - 4) and is designed to assist those players aiming to reach the next level.

The cost of attendance at the second workshop is $10 and any cheques presented on the day should be made payable to Croquet NSW.

Click the above links for full details of these workshops. You are encouraged to attend, especially the second day as this is a unique opportunity for players in NSW to gain valuable insight into the game.

Kindest regards,

State Director of Coaching