

The next round of coaching clinics for both Association and Golf Croquet have now been finalised. The first clinic will be for Level O Golf Croquet Coaches at Walla Walla on Tuesday 14 May commencing at 1 pm. Any player who has not already forward their Application for Coach Training and would like to complete this course should contact me directly on 042 762 9953.

Wagga Wagga will be hosting both an Association and Golf Croquet ‘Improve your Game’ Workshop on Wednesday 15 May with the Association clinic commencing at 9 am and the Golf Croquet clinic in the afternoon at 1 pm. Both clinics will go for approximately 3 hours. If you would like to register to attend either of these clinics please contact Robyn Willis

I will then be at Orange City on Thursday 16 May and Friday 17 May with a Golf Croquet ‘Improve your Game’ Workshop on the Thursday from 1 pm and an Association Worksop on the Friday from 9 am. Any player wishing to attend either of these clinics should contact the club to register their interest.

As with all CNSW coaching clinics there will be a charge of $10 per clinic. Any Club wishing to host an ‘Improve your Game’ Workshop for either Golf Croquet or Association should contact me

Barb Piggott