2013 Interstate Team Profiles

A brief look at the members of the NSW golf croquet Interstate Shield team for 2013.

This event brings out the best in all players and once again NSW has fielded a great team They are keen and eager for the competition and are sure to represent the state of NSW to their fullest potential.

Good luck and straight hitting to you all.

Peter Smith and John Compton
Team Managers

Captain... John Levick

Family... Wife is Glenda and children are John David Christine Tracey and Andrew (dec) with a total of 5 grandsons....Lewis, Tom, Jake, Sam and Ben with 4 grand daughters named Brylie, Sherin, Ellie and Phoebe.

John is a longstanding member of Newcastle National Park Croquet Club

John’s 1st competition was the 1987 Beryl Chambers (then knock-out) where he was beaten in 1st round by Barry Chambers (one of the best players in Australia) even after John was given 19.5 bisques.

Highlights of his career have been many but these are some cherished ones...Getting his 1st triple peal in a competition against Max Doneti; Captaining NSW in our 1st ISS Win; Bronze medal in WCF GC Over 50s Inaugural competition in Cairo; Representing Australia 4 times; being state member in winning Eire Cup team; winning Australian Open GC competition 3 out of last 4 times; representing NSW 5 times in ISS.

Croquet aspirations... To improve and foster an interest by young people in croquet.

Some general comments about croquet... A GC squad of 8-10 men and women to represent NSW, should be picked immediately after the ISS event. They should be trained and a criteria set (at least 3 major comps played in) for inclusion in a team of 5 men and 5 women. The team should be selected after Australian Open. Greater financial assistance should be given to squad and team members and referees to defray expenses.

Vice Captain... Barb Piggott

Family... Barb’s husband John is a great cook and Golf player. They have one daughter, Megan.

Barb has held many positions in her home club at Urunga. (North Coast)

Barb’s 1st competition was the Maitland Singles in January 2006.

Basketball, squash and golf are her favourite other sports.

Highlights of her career to date include winning Women’s Singles Plate in her 1st ACA event she entered; defending NSW women’s Singles title and being selected in NSW ISS team

Barb aspires to represent Australia internationally and to improver her AC performance.

Croquet comments... ISS is a great concept and the team environment is good after playing a lot of individual sports.

Player... Pam Gentle

Family... Pam and Max have 3 sons and 5 grandchildren to spoil and love.

Pam’s home club is Maitland

Her 1st croquet competition was at National Park AC 1996(?), NSW Women’s GC 2006(?)

Pam enjoyed playing Squash and tennis (in the past)

Playing in NSW state teams and playing in world women’s events have been the highlights of her croquet career so far.

Her current aspirations are to improve her game

Comments about croquet and ISS in particular... ISS is a great event to be a part of. It is always exciting to play in a team environment, and the friendship with players from other state teams is something to be valued.

Player... Joe Dimech

Family... Joe’s wife is Lyn and Lisa, Scott and Shane are their children

Joe’s home club is Taree on the North Coast

Joe’s 1st croquet competition was at Port Macquarie 2006 (winner B Block)

Sailing, Snooker and Bowls are other sports which Joe enjoys.

Highlights of Joe’s career so far include being chosen to represent Australia in over 50's GC in Egypt in 2011; Winning New South Wales Men’s Singles; Winning Presidents 10 2011; Winning Bronze Medal; being selected for ISS for three consecutive years and playing in World Championships in 2012.

Joe aspires to keep playing at the top level as long as he can.

Comments about croquet and ISS in particular... Croquet is a very skilful & tactical game. It is good exercise and wherever you play the people are always welcoming & friendly.

The ISS has been a great success since it began a few years ago. It puts the top players in each state up against each other and produces a STRONG but friendly rivalry between states.

Player... Peter Freer

Family... Peter is supported by his wife Kate McLoughlin and his daughters Alex & Elly

Peter’s home club is Canberra.

His 1st croquet competition was the Canberra Division 4 AC in 1981.

Peter enjoys orienteering, basketball and rafting

Highlights of Peter’s career so far include being runner-up in both 2012 Aust GC Open & GC Men’s and finally reaching zero handicap in GC after playing for 32 years (last 4 seriously after retirement.)

Peter’s croquet aspirations involve getting into some real practicing & improving his skills and general play even further.

Comments about croquet and ISS in particular...

"Love playing croquet - especially the challenge of working out what to do, and then trying to execute properly. "

"Great people. Get to travel & play in interesting places - what’s not to like?"

"I haven’t actually played many team competitions, so ISS is another kettle of fish to playing for myself - still coming to grips with it!"

Player... Trevor Black

Family... Trevor and his wife, Rae, have a busy time loving their daughter Nikki’s beautiful and very active children Matthew, Ben and Ava while their son Grant pursues a career in Sydney.

Trevor’s home club is Maitland.

His first competition was the NSW AC Bronze Division championship in 2009

Trevor has tried most sports over the years with moderate success. Especially pleasing was his participation in cricket, league and snow skiing.

Highlights of his croquet career include selection in the ISS state team twice; winning the Beryl Chambers (CNSW H/C Single AC statewide) twice(off H/Cs of 6 and 2.5); NSW Men’s GC Winner 2012; 3rd Australian Men’s Melbourne 2012.

His croquet aspirations include contributing to NSW team’s win in the ISS and representing Australia.

Some comments about croquet and ISS...

"Croquet gave me an interest in sport after years of being unable to play."

"The ISS has given me the pleasure of playing a team sport again which is something I have always enjoyed."

Player... Christine Pont

Family... Christine’s partner is Max, a croquet player of renown in the district. She is the mother of three and grandmother of 7

Until fairly recently Christine was the president of her club, Newcastle National Park, and was a very active promoter of it and the sport.

Christine’s first competition was at a National Park AC carnival where she won the "D" division.

She has played hockey for the state in her youth and still plays tennis regularly.

Highlights of her career include playing in the World Women’s GC and finishing 8th in Cairo. She is the only Australian woman to play in all World Women’s GC Events and she represented Australia in World GC Championships in NZ.

Christine loves talking about GC; its origins, tactics and the great people she has met around the world who play the sport. She enjoys particularly the friendly rivalry found in the ISS and loves to renew friendships with the interstate players.

Player... Ros Johnstone

Family... Ros is married to Ron and they have 2 strapping boys called Murray and Dean with four lovely grandkids to spoil---Hayden, Lauchlan, Zane and Lily.

Her home club is Sutherland where they are deeply involved in all its activities.

Ros’ 1st AC competition was a NSW Bronze championship while her 1st GC comp was NSW Open Doubles partnering her husband.

Ros has maintained an interest in table tennis and full sized tennis as well.

Highlights in her croquet career include representing NSW in the ISS and playing in the World Womens event.

Ros aspires to continue to improve and become the best she can. She aims to continue to enjoy the comradeship experienced in our wonderful sport.

Comments about croquet and the ISS... "In the 4 years I have been a member of the state team, I have been impressed by the support and positive encouragement team members give to each other. It is great to belong to such a cohesive unit."

Player... John Compton

Family... John is married to Robyn and are parents to Alison and Greg and grandparents to Alison’s sparking girl, Audrey.

John’s first competition was at Forster on the north coast in 2007 in a regional GC carnival.

John has played soccer, squash and cricket and even participated in a number of bike events.

John lists the highlight of his croquet career as being selected as president of CNSW.

John aspires to continue to improve his skills and tactics and to advance his play further in AC.

Comments on croquet... "I wish I had discovered croquet 30 years ago."

Player... Brenda Wild

Family... Brenda is married to Gary and they have 2 sons, Cameron and Mark.

Brenda’s home club is a cute one nestled, in the bush land just west of Newcastle at West Wallsend and called Mount Sugarloaf.

June 2009 saw Brenda compete for the first time at Newcastle National Park.

Sailing, hockey and squash are listed as Brenda’s sports of interest.

Highlights of Brenda’s relatively short competitive career include reaching the semi-finals of NSW handicap singles at Ballina in 2012 and dropping 2 handicap places in the process.

Comments on croquet... "Croquet is a very social game. It is able to be played by anyone-anywhere."