

The next round of the ‘Improve your Game’ Workshops for both GC and AC have now been finalised and will be conducted as listed below. Participation at each Workshop is restricted to 24 to ensure players get the most out of the Workshop and the host Club players will have preference in attendance.

The first is a GC Workshop at the Southern Highlands Club on Saturday 7 September commencing approximately 1 PM (depending how late the CNSW AGM concludes). Sandy Alsop is the Southern Highlands contact for those requiring additional information.

Sunday 8 September there are two Workshops at the Eastwood Club - the first commencing at 9 AM is an AC Workshop and the second at 1 PM is a GC Workshop. The contact for the Eastwood Club is Margaret Forster.

Moving north on Monday 9 September the Toronto Club will be hosting both AC and GC Workshops with AC commencing at 9 AM and GC at 1 PM. The Toronto Club contact is Pam Durie.

Then on Tuesday 10 September I will be in Muswellbrook for a 9 AM start and a GC Workshop. Kaye Martin is the contact for the Muswellbrook Club.

Bookings are essential at all Workshops due to the restriction in numbers so if you would like to attend please register your interest as soon as possible to ensure you secure a place. Please contact me to register your interest. As with all CNSW Workshops there is a charge of $10 per player per workshop.

I have a number of other Clubs who have registered interest in hosting a Workshop and I am slowly working my way through the list. These workshops will also be advertised when details are finalised.

Barb Piggott
State Director of Coaching