

The details for the first round of the ‘Improve your Game’ Workshops for 2014 have now been finalised and players can now register their interest in attending these Workshops. Both the AC and GC Workshops go for about 3 hours and most players who attend have plenty to practice after attending. Positions at all Workshops is restricted to 24 to ensure players get the most out of the Workshop but are open to all players within CNSW, not just players from the host Clubs.

Nowra will host both GC and AC on Friday 14th February with the GC starting at 9 am and the AC at 1 pm. Nowra’s contact is Margaret Sawers.

EDSACC will host a GC Workshop on Saturday 15th February commencing at 9 am and depending on numbers registering a second GC may be held from 1 pm. The contact at EDSACC is Ron Jones.

Taree is next on the list on Sunday 16th February with GC starting at 9 am followed by AC in the afternoon from 1 pm. Jan Sage is the contact person for the Taree Club.

Negotiations are under way with a number of other Clubs who are keen to host Workshops in 2014 and these will be advertised towards the middle of March. Any Club who would like to host a Workshop should contact me with your request and I will action it as time permits.

Bookings are essential at all Workshops due to the restriction in numbers so if you would like to attend please register your interest as soon as possible to ensure you secure a place. I can be contacted on my mobile 042 762 9953 or to register your interest in any of the Workshops or you can register by contacting one of the host Club contacts listed. As with all CNSW Workshops there is a charge of $10 per player per workshop.

Barb Piggott