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CNSW website RSS feed

The CNSW website now provides an RSS feed, which records all website changes. Rich Site Summary (or Really Simple Syndication) is a technology for receiving notifications in one place from many websites, and is commonly used to view news articles.

has been added to the page header. Click this icon to view the current RSS feed from this website in your web browser. Different web browsers present an RSS feed in different ways, but each is a list of items with brief details and a link to the originating website. Currently the Chrome browser does not by itself support viewing RSS feeds.

RSS feeds are normally read using an RSS feed reader application. Many such applications are available, for both desktop computers and for mobile devices. Some of these are standalone applications, and some are add-ons to web browsers (such as Chrome) and email applications (such as Outlook and Thunderbird). Different RSS feed readers present RSS feed items in different ways. Enter the CNSW website address into an RSS feed reader to subscribe to the CNSW website RSS feed.

Following are links to resources that will assist understanding and use of RSS:

What Is RSS? RSS Explained
ABC Services - RSS Feeds
The Australian - RSS Feeds - RSS feeds