From the CNSW Chair

The 2017 AGM was held at Tempe on Saturday 18 August amidst a buzz of activity. A large contingent of Delegates attended, the largest rollup for an AGM for some time. Four Board positions were to be contested by 6 candidates .

The Board now stands as Nerida Taylor- Chair, Steve Thornton- Secretary, John Eddes- Treasurer and Brenda Wild and Tricia Vierra- Directors. Tricia starts year 2 of her two year appointment, John Eddes and Steve Thornton will serve a final 2 year Board term, Brenda and I are appointed for two years with the option to stand again for two further terms.

There were two other nominees for the four positions, Peter Martin and Rob Elliott. Both expressed a passion to work on specific areas of interest- Peter, to work with small and struggling Clubs, helping them to build their Club membership, liaise more effectively within their community and achieve greater success in their funding and grants applications. Rob is keen to unravel the complexities surrounding our occupation of Tempe, formal lease arrangement, informal arrangements, land zoning(s) and restrictions and/or opportunities associated with such. This is an indication only of the body of work to be done and the subsequent decisions to be made.

Both Rob and Peter were asked by the Board to fill Appointed Director positions. In ensuing discussion about the scope of Board responsibilities, both wished to primarily direct their energies into their specific areas of interest. The Board’s modis operandi, and its need for accountability was viewed as constraining and both opted not to join the Board. Rob remains interested in continuing work on the resolution of Tempe in a different capacity.

A warm thanks to all those persons who re-nominated, or who are newly appointed, to the various CNSW roles and Committees. Your efforts and dedication underpin the operation of our sport in NSW. Thanks also to those Delegates who participated in the discussion forum after the AGM. There were clear messages which will be addressed. Summaries are elsewhere (Thanks Roberta Flint and Steve Thornton).

As the new Chair, I welcome the opportunity to work with my fellow Board members, Appointed Officers and the broader croquet community. Our croquet community has diverse and disparate views like any organization. Our strength is our shared passion for our sport and our interest in ensuring its sustainability. This will be the glue that enables us to work together and be effective in the coming year.

Nerida Taylor