NSW club news archive

30 October 2007 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club

What a lots of balls!

Not singles or doubles but treble golf croquet was played at The Carnival of the Pines fund raising day held in aid of Rotary Lodge.

In order to raise as much money as possible for this noble cause, lots of club members were required to play the game, hence the triple play.

Mr David Symons of Rotary Lodge, came to the Buller Street Clubhouse to receive a cheque for $400 from the Club. A modest sum, but raised solely by the contributions of the members of the day.

Stewart Parkes

28 September 2007 - Bundanoon v. Jamberoo - The Morton Park Shield
The Morton Park Shield is an Association Croquet competition between the Bundanoon and Jamberoo clubs, and this year it was played at Jamberoo on a beautiful if rather windy spring day.

This year the result was a dead heat, each team winning 4 games and getting 102 points:
David Archer & Sandra Howe 11-18*David Simmons & John Griffiths
Leila Merson 11-12*Brian Colquhoun
Ian McClelland*9-7 Diana Chafer
Jan King*16-11 Marilyn Benson
David Archer*20-13 David Simmons
Charles Cook*21-12 Len Chafer
Sandra Howe 9-17*John Griffiths
Ian McClelland & Jan King 5-12*Brian Colquhoun & Diana Chafer
4 WINS 102 102 4 WINS
Bundanoon brought two cheerleaders, Jim Merson and club captain Robin Alchin, and Charles Cook and Ian McClelland both won their first away games.

The Jamberoo club has a splendid setting, and everyone enjoyed a day of good play in a most friendly atmosphere.

David Archer
Bundanoon Croquet Club

19 August 2007 - Jamberoo Croquet Club
Croquet, Food for Thought

Ten years ago, Peter Tavender became the first Australian Golf Croquet Champion, which showed his great playing credentials. On Saturday 18th August, players from clubs at Southern Highlands, Wollongong, Nowra and Milton/Ulladulla joined their hosts, Jamberoo Croquet Club, to discover that Peter is also a very fine coach. Jamberoo were very lucky to have engaged the one time National Coaching Co-ordinator for a whole day of instruction and advice.

The rules of croquet have changed, not quite beyond recognition, since those days and now international laws exist so the game has become standardised. Golf Croquet has gained legitimacy and respect with its own club, state, national and world championships.

Whilst there are many books, DVD's and websites geared to help the croquet player, there is nothing quite like having an expert on hand to field all those tricky questions. And there were plenty! Having prompted plenty of discussion on the technicalities of the laws, Peter went on to show some techniques and common difficult shots. Before the lunch break, the session was concluded with a discussion on strategy and tactics. The afternoon session, aimed at discussing the rules governing Association Croquet, followed a similar format.

A very successful and worthwhile day giving everybody that attended much food for thought and even if only one thing "that fellow said" is remembered, the sport of croquet will move forward.

Sue England
Publicity Officer, Jamberoo Croquet Club

16 July 2007 - Urunga Croquet Club
A Golf Takeover At Urunga

Following the recent AGM of the Urunga Croquet Club one member was heard to say "It's a takeover by the golf players" - all the new committee executive are golf croquet players - however all the experience is not lost, as most assistant positions are now held by the member stepping down after many years on the committee, this will ensure there is continuity within the Club in the years to come. Our thanks goes to all the out going committee for their hard work and dedication over a number of years.

The new committee is:
President - Pat Gossip
Vice President - Jim Hicks
Secretary - Maryanne Sharwood
Assistant Secretary - Margaret Leese
Treasurer - John Hayhoe
Assistant Treasurer - Bev Oldfield
Captain - Peter Haskins
Vice Captain - Barb Piggott
2nd Vice Captain - John Cate
As with all Clubs golf croquet numbers are growing and unfortunately association numbers are in decline, so it is time for the golf players to step up and take a more active role in the running of the Club. We wish all new committee members all the best for 2007 / 2008 and know that they will help our Club grow over the next 12 months.

8 July 2007 - Urunga Croquet Club
Golf Croquet Championships

The format for the championships was different this year as we run it as a mini carnival - this allowed us to get it over in two days and not draw it out like last year over two months. We had five teams entered in the doubles and six players in the singles - everyone who entered enjoyed themselves, although by late on the Thursday after nine games in two days most were glad it was over.

This was our first formal games since the introduction of the 2007 rules and some could not quite get their head around some of the changes - especially the wrong ball rule for singles play (playing the partner ball not being a fault) - only one GC referee was available on both days and Barb was kept busy explaining the new rules when questioned as well as trying to concentrate on her own game.

We will be holding a workshop on the new rules in early August to ensure everyone is aware of the changes to all the rules prior to our inaugural Golf Croquet Carnival in late August (although at this stage none of our members will be playing as we still have five on the reserve list) but it never hurts to keep up with rule changes.

Our singles champion for 2007 was Maryanne Sharwood with Barb Piggott runner up and the doubles champions were Val Collins and Barb Piggott with John Hayhoe and Maryanne Sharwood runners up - Congratulations to everyone that entered.

Barb Piggott

2 July 2007 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club
Golf Croquet Singles Round Robin

Following the first Golf croquet singles knock-out competition, sixteen keen players competed all day, on a beautiful, warm, sunny day in the club’s Inaugural Golf Croquet Singles Round Robin. Initially players were divided into four groups, with winners moving on to the quarter finals, semi-finals and final.

As is only proper, the final was between the President, Stewart Parkes, and the Vice-President, Bridget Earle, with the President pulling rank.

Bridget Earle

13 June 2007 - National Park Newcastle Croquet Club
Feel like a swim? This is our number 4 lawn after the storm the other day.

We had a foot of water through the club house and over the lawns... Our trees were damaged and were given a trimming by John Levick and Jim Willis, some would say a slaughter byt they had been badly damaged and had to come out. The club house fortunately does not appear to have structural damage and just needs a good dry out. Chris Pont Max, Jan Hull, Pam Ingham, Shirley Brien to name but a few of those club members who came down and helped clean up the mess. We are still awaiting insurance assessment on mowers, fridges etc, but considering the severity of the storm we were lucky.

The damage will be repaired before the golf croquet championships scheduled for September.

Geof McDonald

19 May 2007 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club
President gets his lunch on time

On Tuesday, 15th May, Port Macquarie Croquet Club held their first ever club singles Golf Croquet championship - a knock-out competition.

The day dawned perfect and remained so throughout the matches. Thirty members turned up to play, eight of whom decided to play friendly doubles on lawn three.

The remaining twenty two highly competitive players battled through about twenty elimination matches to arrive at the final pairing, for the best of three finals round.

These final games were to be played between Club Golf Captain, Terry Devereaux, and President, Stewart Parkes. As it was close to lunch time, the president was anxious to avoid a late lunch. By sheer determination, brought on by pangs of hunger, he won the first two games and was declared the champion.

A great day was had by all present. There was an unexpectedly high turn-out for the singles competition, given that the Club normally concentrates on doubles games.

Stewart Parkes

5 May 2007 - Taree Croquet Club
70th Anniversary Celebration

Taree Croquet Club was formed on 19th April 1937, and the 70th Anniversary celebrated on Monday 30th April 2007.

More than seventy guests were present to share the day with busy club members.

President John Talbot introduced the Mayor of Greater Taree City Council, Mr Eddie Loftus who offered congratulations, and best wishes for the future, before declaring the day open by attempting to run a hoop. Onlookers were amused by his four failed attempts. Other councillors had their turns, and Deputy Mayor [and our club patron] Wendy McKeough was proud to be successful. A beautiful grevillea plant was presented to the club by Joan Watson, on behalf of the Mid North Coast Croquet Council.

Our four half courts were very busy and colourful with 32 players at a time having fun with doubles of AC and GC. An excellent lunch of barbecued sausages and rissoles, salads, bread and a delicious selection of cakes and slices was shared on the club verandah and under the huge marquee.

The special celebratory cake was piped to the waiting diners by Bob Gow, carried by John Wellard and escorted by Wendy McKeough, who cut the cake.

Speeches were made by CNSW President Jacky McDonald, President of Forster Croquet Club Shirley Fliedner, honoured member of Forster CC Nance Roach, and cards and gifts presented to Taree club.

The weather was kind, and play continued well into the afternoon.

Local television and newspaper coverage was most welcome - it is good to see croquet on TV, even for a few short moments.

Visit the History page and read about the history of Taree Croquet Club.

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