NSW club news archive

19 February 2008 - Mid North Coast Croquet Council
Jubilee celebrations

On Tuesday, January 29 a very special event - the 50th Anniversary of the Mid North Coast Croquet Council - was celebrated at Forster club. It was a most successful event with over 100 people in attendance. The weather was perfect - a typical warm summer day with a light breeze blowing.

The Mid North Coast Croquet Council or as it is known - the MNCCC - comprises four croquet clubs Forster, Gloucester, Port Macquarie and Taree.

During the mid 1950's four croquet clubs from the Hastings/Manning municipalities - Wauchope and Port Macquarie, Taree and Wingham - came together to discuss the possible formation of a local association, in order that clubs would play Pennants Competitions. The first official meeting took place on January 29, 1958 when the Hastings and Manning District Croquet Council was formed, with two clubs from the Hastings and two from the Manning. Forster joined the Council on August 19, 1972, and Gloucester on 10th March, 1990. At the Anniversary celebrations members from all of the four current clubs attended the event.

District President, Jan Sage welcomed all guests and members. The Celebration Cake was cut by club Presidents Shirley Fliedner - Forster, John Ikin - Gloucester, Stewart Parkes - Port Macquarie and Neta Oram for John Talbot - Taree. Guests of honour on the day were John Fransen, President of Australian Croquet Association, Jacky McDonald, President of Croquet NSW, Geof McDonald State Director of Coaching NSW, and local Council representatives - Deputy Mayor of Great Lakes, Jan McWilliams; Mayor of Hastings, Rob Drew; Mayor of Gloucester, Julie Lyford; and Councillor Wendy McKeough from Greater Taree City Council.

While most of those in attendance played croquet Councillors were given a quick lesson on the game of Golf Croquet.

Following lunch the official guests presented the many District Trophies for the Inter Club Competitions, and the GC and AC Championships. The Mayoral Challenge was played with each Councillor partnered by their local club president. Winners were Gloucester, followed by Taree, Port Macquarie and Forster. All participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves while the members of the four clubs cheered on their respective representatives in this most entertaining event and applause, accolades and certificates were in order afterwards.

It was a great day and fantastic for the MNCCC members to be a part of this historic occasion. The members of the four clubs organised the food and refreshments and did a fantastic job. Thank you to Joan Watson, planner and MC, for her mighty effort in organising the day and keeping the program running smoothly. A big "thank you" to those who worked in the kitchen, to the helpers who set up the courts and the tables and chairs, to those who hung the streamers and balloons, to the barbecue chefs who cooked the wonderful lunch - they gave us a special day we will always remember as we celebrated the Jubilee year. Congratulations to MNCCC on your Jubilee. The rivalry will continue, we hope, for another 50 years. It makes for great competition and excellent croquet prowess for the members vying against each other.

This year’s Inter Club Competition begins in April, the District Championships are played in September, and we celebrate Christmas and present trophies at the Christmas Party in December.

Happy Jubilee and Congratulations Mid North Coast Croquet Council.

Jan Sage - President, Mid North Coast Croquet Council
Anita Campbell - Publicity Officer, Forster Croquet Club

29 January 2008 - Ballina Croquet Club
Opening of New Club House

On Saturday, 19th January, the new Club House of the Ballina Croquet Club was officially opened by Mrs Jacky McDonald, President of Croquet NSW Inc, with a large gathering of Ballina croquet players and members of the Board of the Ballina Bowling & Recreation Club Ltd.

Invited guests included Mrs McDonald's husband Geof, who is Director of Coaching for NSW croquet, Mr Phil Silver, Mayor of Ballina Shire, Ms Jillian Pratten, Manager of Open Spaces & Reserves for Ballina Shire, Mr Don Page, Member for Ballina, and Mr Ken Frampton & Mr Brian Riley, Patrons of the Ballina Croquet Club.

Also attending were representatives of Northern Rivers Croquet Association clubs of Alstonville, Byron Bay, Casino and Lismore. Kyogle Club was unable to attend.

After the unveiling of the plaque, an enjoyable afternoon tea was had at which an "Official Opening" cake, donated by Mrs Val Parker was cut. Our visitors then had a game of croquet and were very impressed with the standard of the lawns.

On the following day Mr & Mrs McDonald conducted Coaching Classes for players of both Association and Golf Croquet.

Norma Sargent

18 January 2008 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club

Golf Croquet Seminar by Christine Pont

Forty six club members attended a golf croquet seminar, conducted by Christine Pont, the National Director of Golf Croquet.

Christine gave us an insight into play at the World Golf Croquet Championships, particularly the skill and tactics of the top Egyptian players. She then spoke at length about tactics and briefly about the use of free turns in handicap play.

On the courts we practised stun shots, jump shots and using various striking angles to achieve different outcomes. We were then able to practise our newly-learnt skills in games of doubles.

It was an excellent session and we are very grateful to Christine for her visit.

Bridget Earle

16 January 2008 - Forster Croquet Club
Forster Croquet Club's 70th Birthday

The Forster Croquet Club celebrated its 70th birthday on November 29 and what a party it was. We could not have asked for better spring weather conditions, beautiful sunny skies and a warm day to welcome our guests to the celebrations. President Shirley Fliedner welcomed all guests and members.

Over 100 people attended including Deputy Mayor, Jan McWilliams, the representative from Australian Croquet Association John Fransen and from Croquet NSW Robyn Wallis. Jan Sage, president of the Mid North Coast Croquet Council, also attended and representatives from the Forster Tennis Club and Forster Bowling Club. Amongst our guests were players from clubs around the state who joined our members in games of croquet throughout the day.

Deputy Mayor Jan McWilliams took to the court with a mallet in her hands and successfully scored 2 hoops straight away. Most of us found it took months to do that when we first started. Perhaps we can interest Jan in joining our club.

Our guests of honour for the cake cutting ceremony were life time members Lex Leek, Margaret Palmer and Nance Roche. Their excitement was evident by the smiles on their happy faces. Each one gave a speech and spoke of "the days gone by" when they were very active players in the club. They are a significant part of our club, highly respected and their enthusiastic regard of croquet has rubbed off on us present members.

Our thanks and appreciation to Bim Petrie who was the party organiser. Bim did a fantastic job with the organisation and preparations for the birthday party. Her input was tremendous and as we were all aware the work started many months beforehand. Along with Bim, the birthday committee of Helen Attwood, Margaret Easton, Shirley Fliedner, June Nixon and Jenny Williams worked together to ensure everything was orchestrated to perfection.

We thanked our guest Jason Aurisch, who is also our green keeper. Jason has been looking after our lawns for 18 years. Because of Jason we are privileged to play on beautiful manicured courts and we are certainly grateful for the care he gives to our greens with his magic mower.

There were many people to thank, however, it goes without saying, all members contributed in some way and made this very special event one we will always remember.

Croquet is a wonderful game. With the game comes challenges, rewards, friendships, competition, social play and last but not least it also stimulates the brain. What more could you ask for? Members of Forster club relate to all these attributes with respect to Croquet and its history.

Our club now has the most members of all the croquet clubs in NSW. Wow!

Milestone means an event marking an important occasion. I would like to finish my article by saying Forster Croquet Club has successfully achieved a remarkable milestone of 70 years. Now, that is something to celebrate.

Long live Forster Croquet Club.

Anita Campbell
Publicity Officer
Forster Croquet Club

30 October 2007 - Mid North Coast Croquet Council
District Championships

On 26th and 27th October the Port Macquarie Croquet Club ran the MNCCC Golf Croquet and Association Croquet District Championships. The Croquet Clubs from Forster, Gloucester, Port Macquarie and Taree form the MNCCC, which celebrates its 50th Anniversary in January 2008.

Port Macquarie won both the singles and doubles in golf croquet, with Forster the runners-up. The Port Macquarie Singles team were Maurice Avery, Bridget Earle and Stewart Parkes. The doubles pairs were Bridget Earle and Stewart Parkes, Susan Klecka and Maurice Avery and Doreen and Doug Parkinson.

In Association Croquet the divisional winners were:
Division 1: Winner - Bill Blaikie (Taree); Runner-up - Larry Bryant (Port Macquarie)
Division 2: Winner - John Wellard (Taree); Runner-up - Sue Moss (Port Macquarie)
Division 3: Winner - Penny Jude (Forster); Runner-up - Lynette Bryant (Port Macquarie)
Division 4: Winner - John Coates (Forster); Runner-up - Peter Nunn (Port Macquarie)

Bridget Earle

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