NSW club news archive

17 December 2009 - Wagga Wagga Croquet Club
28 October 2009 - Nowra and Milton-Ulladulla Croquet Clubs
Shoalhaven Golf Challenge

Milton-Ulladulla Croquet Club & Nowra Croquet Club, being the only two croquet clubs in the Shoalhaven region decided that it was time to have some regular friendly competitions. It was decided to hold both Association & Golf games at each lawn. Both competitions would be a mixture of singles & doubles & that a trophy should be awarded each year to the winning club team. The local Milton-Ulladulla Bowling Club Woodworkers Group made two magnificent trophies from timber grown locally in the shape of the Shoalhaven region.

Marie Dillon, Elsie Crawford, Clyde Evison (NCC)
Kay Bryant Jan Ruggerio, Shirley Raine, Maureen Greenwood (MUCC)
Wayne Worrall, Pauline Parkins, Brenda Miller, Ann Worrall & Jack Bethe (NCC)
The first series of Golf games took place at the Milton-Ulladulla lawn in April this year. The weather was very autumnal and the sixteen games were played in a very good & relaxed atmosphere with the members at Milton-Ulladulla providing a very good morning tea which was equalled on Milton-Ulladulla’s visit to Nowra.

The overall result at Milton was 11-5 to Milton-Ulladulla, possibly the home advantage had some help in this result! Nowra left saying that when we came to their new lawn at Bomadery the tables would be reversed!

This was certainly the case Nowra won 10-4 on Wednesday 21st October. That meant the overall score was 15 games to each club. This was a situation that was not expected; although in croquet always expect the unexpected!

The addition of hoops for and against resulted in an overall win for Milton-Ulladulla by 5 hoops. A very close result.

On this day at Nowra Maureen Greenwood from Milton-Ulladulla did her first jump shot in a competition & Phyllis Emery who has only been playing Golf croquet for about three months played superbly & won her first singles game in competition, I think her nerves by now have quieted.

All members assisted each other in the games, some of the Nowra players giving assistance to newer members of the Milton-Ulladulla club; special thanks go to Clyde Evison & Pauline Parkins.

This was the inaugural Golf competition between the two clubs & both clubs believe it to have been a success & look forward to the games in 2010.
20 October 2009 - Queanbeyan Croquet Club
Queanbeyan Club’s 75th anniversary

Sunday 20th September was an important day for Queanbeyan and for the croquet community, when the Queanbeyan Croquet Club celebrated its 75th birthday.

On a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning, members and former members and their families started gathering early in the morning, ready to welcome Robyn Wallace, the new President of Croquet NSW, and the Mayor of Queanbeyan, Councillor Tim Overall with his wife Nicole and their two sons. Another friendly face was Tim Tavener, representing the Canberra Club.

We tried to contact previous members of the Club to share the celebrations, and it was a pleasure to meet up with old friends, from near and far, including previous secretary Grace Hately (who had played croquet with the Mayor’s father) and Colonel Tony Hall who brought greetings from Croquet Australia. Sidney Bushby was able to come, and Norah Calder brought her daughter and her great grand-son. Those who could not attend such as Life Member Dawn Huggett and her husband Ross, Heather Dufty and John and Elwyn Smith sent warm greetings.

The old Club House which was purchased second-hand when the Club was started, was brightly decorated with red and white balloons and streamers, and the tables elegantly set for a generous morning tea. With the loan of chairs from our friendly neighbours at the Queanbeyan Women’s Bowling Club, there was a seat for everyone to enjoy morning tea, although the children preferred to stay outside and practice croquet.

During the morning tea, President Linda Nickels welcomed all to the anniversary and Mayor Tim Overall responded with some snippets on the history of the Club and best wishes for the future, and then, together with Robyn Wallace, they cut the birthday cake.

The editor of the Queanbeyan Age arrived to witness Mayor Tim Overall, despite crutches and a plaster cast caused by injury (from a different sport) strike the first ball through the hoop, to launch us into the next 75 years.

The rest of the day passed pleasantly, with previous members dropping in to meet our new members, reminisce and play croquet, and we are now happily on the way to the next anniversary.

6 October 2009 - Nowra Croquet Club
Ted Edmonds (Nowra) lines up his shot
watched by Kerry Loane (SHCC)
Nowra visits Southern Highlands

On Thursday October 1st seven members of Nowra Croquet Club travelled to Exeter for a social day with the Southern Highlands Croquet Club, arriving at the club at 9.30am. Nowra players were welcomed by president of SHCC Peter Anderson and eight members of SHCC. After a morning tea of cakes scones and other delicious home made goodies all took to the courts for three games before lunch. After lunch more games were played the day ending at 2pm when all agreed that the day had been most enjoyable

Helen Coventry (SHCC) plays her shot
watched by Ted Edmonds
28 September 2009 - Bundanoon and Nowra Croquet Clubs
Nowra and Bundanoon inaugurate the Shoalhaven Cup

On Friday 25th of September 2009 Nowra and Bundanoon croquet clubs played the inaugural round of the Shoalhaven cup at the new Nowra Courts.

Four members of the Bundanoon club travelled to Nowra, they were welcomed with a homemade morning tea and then the games began. The morning games all played singles:

David Archer (Bundanoon) beat Graham Cullen (Nowra) 16 to 13
Leila Merson (Bundanoon) beat Margaret Sawers (Nowra) 20 to 16
Fay Lochrin (Nowra) beat Sheila Topham (Bundanoon) 10 to 8
Charles Cook (Bundanoon) beat Judith Ramadge (Nowra) 10 to 9

After lunch the games were doubles and Nowra evened the score by winning both games:

Graham and Fay beat David and Sheila 11 to 10
Margaret and Judith beat Leila and Charles 20 to 16

As the games won were even a count back had to be used to separate the two teams with Bundanoon winning by one hoop.

The next round will be played at Bundanoon next year.
18 September 2009 - Nowra Croquet Club
Wollongong visits Nowra

Wednesday September 16th ten members of the Wollongong Croquet club travelled to Nowra for a day of golf croquet, on arrival they were welcomed by Nowra club captain Margaret Sawers after which a delicious morning tea provided by members of the Nowra club was enjoyed before the days play began.

The format of the day was social games with players from both clubs playing together. A number system was used with Nowra members drawing from the even numbers and Wollongong drawing odd numbers ensuring that players were well mixed making for a friendly and enjoyable day.

Three games were played before every one stopped for lunch then more games followed, the day ending at 3pm with all players agreeing that a return visit will be arranged early in 2010

13 August 2009 - Woolgoolga Croquet Club
Woolgoolga Croquet Club has just joined us, and their member Jenny Burgess has sent in these photographs of croquet at Woolgoolga.

28 July 2009 - Queanbeyan Croquet Club
Queanbeyan Croquet Club’s 75th Anniversary

The Queanbeyan Croquet Club invites all past members to a reunion to celebrate the Club’s 75th birthday on Sunday the 20th September 2009.

The Queanbeyan Croquet Club was formed on 20 September 1934, and during 75 years has experienced a lot of croquet. To celebrate this, and to launch the next 75 years, we are inviting all past members, and other players who have visited our Club, to join in celebrating. Please drop in, with your family, any time between 10 am and 4 pm, to chat, meet old friends, and play croquet. Bring your lunch, or eat at Nibblez on the Green at the adjacent Bowling Club.

RSVP by 10 September to:
The Secretary, Queanbeyan Croquet Club, PO Box 1959, Queanbeyan, NSW 2620
Tel: 02 6299 1571
16 July 2009 - Nowra Croquet Club
Jamberoo croquet club visit Nowra for a friendship day

Friday July 3rd dawned cold and windy but 18 hardy Jamberoo croquet club members travelled to Nowra for a friendship day 12 members of the Nowra club welcomed the visitors, a delicious morning tea of home made cakes slices and savories was enjoyed before all took to the croquet lawns for an enjoyable day of friendly social games of golf croquet. Several games were played before lunch. After lunch more games were played and the day ended at 3pm, all present voted the day a great success.

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