NSW club news archive

8 October 2010 - Bundanoon Croquet Club
A very lovely day was put on for the Morton Park Shield competition between Bundanoon & Jamberoo. The results are:
David Archer (6)*22-13 David Simmonds (8)
Leila Merson (12) 18-22*David Probert (10)
Harry Pidgeon (18) 8-18*Diana Chafer (14)
Jackie Crosslé (18)*14-12 Len Chafer (16)
Leila Merson (12)*26-13 Diana Chafer (14)
David Archer & Jackie Crosslé*20-10 Len Chafer & Christine Peters
4 WINS 108 88 2 WINS
The games were played in a good spirit of sportsmanship, and thanks to Leila and Jackie we all enjoyed an excellent lunch and afternoon tea.

David Archer

Leila Merson, Diana Schafer, Len Shafer, David Archer, Jackie Crosslé, Christine Peters
14 July 2010 - Walla Walla Croquet Club
Walla Walla Public School 125th Anniversary Celebrations

The 125th Committee would like to once again thank you, the community of Walla Walla and surrounds for your support shown to us and the celebrations on April 03, 2010.

It was truly a terrific day with many, many positive comments about how well the day went. Thank you again to everyone who participated and spectated on the day. Without your enthusiasm and support it would not have been such a huge success.

There are still souvenirs available for purchase if you haven’t already got some. They are available from WAW, D E Lieschke & Son, Post Office and Walla Walla Newsagency. Items for sale are: 125th Book $25, Centenary Book $10, Drink Holders $7, Pens $2.50, Post Cards 50c, Calenders $10, Pavers $30 single and $60 double, and Commemorative Port and Muscat $15 bottle available from Walla Walla Wines.

In the coming months we are hoping to put together photos and the DVD made on the day and hold a presentation at the Bowling Club. If you have photos of the day’s events please drop them around to Ross and Helen Krause so we can compile a collection. Hopefully, DVDs will be available for purchase then. More on this in future newsletters.

In the near future, the time capsule will be sealed and buried and the anniversary tree will be planted in a special spot to commemorate the occasion.

This almost wraps up the 125th anniversary of the Walla Walla Public School. A wonderful way to celebrate our milestone!

Once again, thank you Walla Walla!!

9 June 2010 - Sawtell Croquet Club
Kevin Page (Toronto) and Marg Leese (Sawtell) pushing water from Court 1

Unfortunately Sawtell’s 3 days of Golf Croquet to be played in the first week of June was a wash out.

The mid-north Coast is becoming quite well known for rain events. The steady rain started in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The helpers arrived to set up the court early, and all the players arrived at the club looking hopeful - there was a bit of clearing sky!!

Judy Webb (Macquarie City), John Butler (EDSACC), Bridget Earle (Port Macquarie) and Carol Goodman (Macquarie City) in wet weather gear
The doubles event was started and the rain continued to fall. John Piggott from Urunga came up with some Squee-gees but all to on avail. By 12.30 both courts were unplayable. All but 2 of the doubles games had been played. However the rain continued to fall through Wednesday afternoon and night, and most of Thursday - sadly the event had to be abandoned. Many of our visitors stayed and enjoyed indoor activities at the cinema or art galleries in the area. A very happy Dinner was enjoyed by visitors and club members on Thursday night at the Sawtell RSL. We were able to determine winners for the doubles event, and trophies were presented.

Thanks to all who made the effort to come to Sawtell - we will hope for better things for our Association Carnival in October, and will try again for a 3 days of Golf Croquet next year.

Jenny Arnold
Tournament Manager
30 May 2010 - Dubbo City Croquet Club
Our website has just been updated and looks much prettier - click here to see. The latest Newsletter, issue number 5, will be available for download from the website from Tuesday.

Graham Innocent
In the last 3 months Dubbo has had some success in tournaments and carnivals. We congratulate Dot and Leon O'Mally with their wins in both the Orange Autumn Carnival and the Young carnival.

We also congratulate Graham Innocent with a First place at Forster, a 2nd place at Young, and 1st place at Walla Walla - all in Golf Croquet. It is also a pleasure to advise that Graham is now a fully qualified Golf Croquet Referee.

Leon & Dot O'Mally
On 22nd and 23rd May we had a VERY successful visit by Orange City Croquet Club for friendship Golf Croquet matches. Originally scheduled for November last year but postponed due to the extreme heat, we finally got together. Six players from Orange - Bev Duncan, Sally and Martin Atkins, Helen James, Roger Cox and Kath Farrell - came and gave us solid competition. It was agreed that the total hoop score by a club, for the week-end, would determine the winner. We played a total of 16 Doubles games and 32 Singles games. While Dubbo won the Doubles we got well and truly beaten in the Singles, and Orange won the week-end with 191 Hoops against Dubbo's 169 Hoops. It was a most enjoyable time with good matches, good friendship, and great fun. We agreed that a return match would be in order in the near future.

Finally, our AGM will be held on 19th June and we will see Dot O'Mally step down as President as well as Leon O'Mally stepping down as Treasurer. Their shoes will be hard to fill and we have a job ahead of us.

Ben Vang
30 April 2010 - Jamberoo Croquet Club
April has been a very busy month for Jamberoo Croquet Club. We held our first Association Tournament with players coming from Milton/Ulladulla, Toronto, Killara, Newcastle, Sutherland, Bathurst and Wollongong to join three Jamberoo players in a three day contest. Other Association players from Jamberoo out in force to ensure a successful event and everything went according to plan. There were many positive comments from all players. We experienced great weather without a drop of rain. The wet weather gear that we expected to be using was substituted with sunscreen.

Red Block
Blue Block
Green Block

Red Block was won by Russell Megarrity (Milton/Ulladulla) who won all his games and, considering the calibre of his opponents, it was a fantastic effort. Runner up was John Gilhooly also from Milton/Ulladulla. Blue Block was won by Joanne Carmichael from Sutherland who also won all of her games. Runner up was Margaret Atkinson from Wollongong. Margaret is an ex Jamberoo player so we can claim her as one of us. Green Block was one by Pam Durie and runner up was Ben Durie, both from Toronto.

Over the long weekend, we held an Anzac Memorial Golf Croquet Handicap Doubles Tournament with players coming from Forster, EDSACC, Maitland, Cheltenham, Mosman, Southern Highlands, Sutherland, Wollongong, Young and the Blue Mountains. We began the event with everyone playing four games, with a variety of partners and opponents, in a Getting-to-know-you contest. Points were awarded for successful jump shots and unexpected “fluke” shots! Nett points were recorded and this provided some interesting results. Only one player recorded four wins!

Blue Block
Green Block

The second part of the tournament was of a more serious nature. Blocks of eight pairs, played in a round robin contest. Block winners were Bill Haines & Mike Speak (both of Blue Mountains) and Robyn Wallace (Maitland) & Peter Anderson (Southern Highlands). Runners-up were Garry Fensom & Olga Hough (Wollongong) and Dennis & Sylvia Shipp (EDSACC)

Brenda Evans
Publicity Officer
13 April 2010 - Taree Croquet Club
GTCC Mayor, Paul Hogan
Opening of Court 3, Saturday 10th April

Wendy McKeough and Alan Tickle
More than sixty guests gathered at Taree Croquet Club to celebrate the naming and opening of the third court. After morning tea all but the official party moved to the shelter of a large marquee and the Elm tree. Members of the official party were led to their seats by Piper, Bob Gow.

The Official Party
MC for the event, Will Paulson, introduced the various speakers and provided small, interesting pieces of history of the 73 year old club. Club President welcomed all who attended the celebration. Greater Taree City Council Mayor, Paul Hogan offered his congratulations and discussed the growth and importance of the club to the district. Croquet NSW Senior vice President John Compton spoke of the significance of the development of one club to the sport as a whole. Peter Britt from the Department of Sport and Recreation in Newcastle congratulated the club, the members and the project officer Phill Sage on a job well done.

Millie Drury
Club Patrons Wendy McKeough and Councillor Alan Tickle were both proud and pleased to be connected with the Club and this exciting progress. Wendy announced that the court was to be named the Phill Sage Court in recognition of the years of planning, work and co-ordinating that the project required.

Piper, Bob Gow
Phill then spoke of the wonderful support that he received from Council, local businesses, community groups, district croquet clubs and their members, Department of Sport and Recreation, Wesley’s Employment Services, and a friend and green keeper from his golfing days who taught him so much about grass playing surfaces. On behalf of all who encouraged and supported the project he accepted a Salute from the Piper.

Neta Oram, a club member for 49 years opened the court by cutting a green ribbon, and the first hoop was run by Millie Drury a member for 28 years.

The courts were then very busy and colourful with players who took a break for a delicious light lunch and then resumed playing until well into the afternoon.
29 March 2010 - Sawtell Croquet Club
The Sawtell Captains Trophy for Golf Croquet was played on March 18. Last year's Runner-up, Jacky Martyn won all her games this year to be the winner. Runner-up this year was Derek Burrows who only lost to Jacky. It was a Round Robin event, and all players had to play 6 games for the day. The game between Jacky and Derek was particularly exciting going to the 13th hoop - Jacky won with a shot she didn't think she could make.

Jenny Arnold

The Players - Maureen, Derek, Jacky, Sue, Beth, Iris and Lynne
Jacky was the winner, Derek the runner up
3 February 2010 - Dubbo City Croquet Club
Dubbo City Croquet Club has just joined the Country Croquet NSW website - welcome!

Some history of our club: In 1906 the Bowling Club put in two full size croquet courts at the back of their premises and in 1921 the Dubbo City Croquet Club was established. Today the club numbers just over 40 members with the majority now playing Golf Croquet, however, there is also a strong following of Association Croquet and Ricochet.

Late December 2009 to early January 2010 the lawns were completely 'renovated' and are now in top condition - a joy to play on - if the ball doesn't run straight, it is not the fault of the lawns!!!

Dubbo has not held any carnivals or tournaments in the last few years, but we are confident this is about to change. Presently we are engaging our members in internal competitions in preparation to become more adventures.

We have started publishing a quarterly newsletter and number 3 was released 1st December 2009. You are welcome to download a copy at croquet-dubbo.cameracheckpoint.com.au.

If you are passing through Dubbo call at the club or phone us if you would like a game.

Ben Vang

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