NSW club news archive

19 August 2011 - Nelson Bay Croquet Club
The Country Croquet NSW website welcomes Nelson Bay Croquet Club, for their club details click here.

We look forward to their news, tournaments and results.
9 August 2011 - Lismore Croquet Club
When Alice and The Mad Hatter got their heads together the result was a trip back to Wonderland for guests attending Lismore Croquet Clubs Friendship Day.

These two felt friendship days had become a bit ordinary and decided to jazz things up with all club members wearing fancy dress, or donning a "Mad Hat"and heading to Wonderland

The white rabbit took it all in her stride, organising games on the lawns while The Queen of Hearts directed players around the side games. Their only alternative was to play them, or "Off with Their Head!"

Players attended from all Northern Rivers Croquet Club. and from comments received from our visitors as they arrived side-stepping around the flamingoes and the card games, all had a wonderful time, with few being "late, late, for a very important date!".

Fay Ross

9 July 2011 - Dubbo City Croquet Club
Click here to view the Dubbo City Croquet Club website, then click News Letter and download our latest newsletter.

Ben Vang
14 April 2011 - Lismore Croquet Club
Lismore Croquet Club celebrated St Patrick's Day in style with a Green on the Green theme. Casino Croquet Club's lawns are currently unplayable so Lismore invited their club members to join in the celebrations of our Irish heritage - after all croquet was played in ireland many centuries ago. True to the theme, green food and drinks were on the menu - even the scones were green! Those who dared, kissed the Blarney Styone which was borrowed for the day. Margaret Watt, Golf Captain, did a wonderful job with her organisational skills. The day was a hoot and even featured on the ABC Website.

Marion Underhill
Publicity Officer

13 April 2011 - Maitland Croquet Club
Silver Threads
Lynn Dooley & Barry Wells

Maitland Croquet Club members Rita Murphy and John Purnell have a golden glow about them following their impressive win at the Croquet Tournament attached to the Lake Macquarie Masters Games. Held over two days on 21st and 22nd March 2011 at the Toronto Croquet Club lawns the tournament catered for persons over 45 years and beyond. The doubles golf croquet competition was divided into four blocks and age groups.

Golden Oldies
Rita Murphy & John Purnell
Rita and John were undefeated in Block A and were awarded with a Gold Medal each for their achievement. Both were ecstatic with their performance and proudly displayed their medals to fellow Maitland members on their return to the club.

Also basking in the sheen of their silver medals were Lynn Dooley and Barry Wells who were runners up in Block A. They too were excited with their win and proudly displayed the medals on their return.

Only four members from Maitland Club entered the event and all brought home medals. Congratulations are extended to the "Golden Oldies" and the "Silver Threads" on their achievements.

Terry Cheetham - Secretary (photos by Alan Pearson)
27 March 2011 - Walla Walla Croquet Club
Walla Walla Croquet Club now publishes its news and events on the Walla Walla website, and will hold their Golf Croquet Tournament on 20-21 May (to download the flier visit the Tournaments page).
20 March 2011 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club
Combined Bowls and Croquet Day - Sunday 20th March 2011

Our neighbours, The Westport Club, invited our members to join some of their bowlers for a combined bowling and golf croquet day.

We all learnt the basic skills of ‘the other game’ in a very short time and had fun playing in mixed teams.

Morning tea was enjoyed in the Croquet Club and a barbecue lunch was provided by the Bowling Club. A good day was had by all.

Bridget Earle
18 March 2011 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club
'Thank you' and 'Farewell'

It is not often that a club loses its President and Secretary during the year - Jeannine and Terry Devereaux have worked tirelessly for the club during their ten years in Port Macquarie.

On Friday 18th March we played golf croquet and had a barbecue to say 'Thank you' and 'Farewell' to them both. The club members provided the usual delicious salads and slices and a good evening was had by all.

Bridget Earle
New Secretary!
1 February 2011 - Maitland Croquet Club
John Compton scoring a hoop with a jump shot
while Tournament referee Margaret Thompson looks on

Maitland Croquet Club celebrated Australia Day with a Golf Singles Tournament on 26 January 2011 that was sponsored by Maitland City Council. There were thirty six players participating from Maitland and various clubs including Wollongong, Lismore, Macquarie City, Newcastle National Park, Branxton, Sutherland, Myall Park, Toronto, Mount Sugarloaf, EDSACC and Strathfield.

The competition was divided into six blocks according to handicaps with play commencing at 8 am and continuing through to 5 pm. The weather was extreme and tested many players who sought shady areas and cool drinks between games. A sprinkler was installed for the relief of players, which many took advantage of to cool down.

The tournament was in the capable hands of Maitland Golf Games Captain, Lynn Dooley and her assistant Robyn Compton while Margaret Thompson from Nelson Bay Club was the Tournament Referee. The day was a great success due to the support given by the volunteers from Maitland Club and visitors who assisted with refereeing, time keeping, catering, lawn maintenance and scoring.

The Mayor of Maitland and Club Patron, Peter Blakemore, attended and with assistance from Club President, Janet Dahlenburg, presented the winners with their prize money at the end of the tournament.

The results were:

Block A Winner: Steve Dilley Jnr (Maitland) Runner-up: John Levick (Newcastle)
Block B Winner: Trevor Black (Maitland) Runner-up: John Compton (Maitland)
Block C Winner: Kevin Page (Toronto) Runner-up: Bernie McAlary (Wollongong)
Block D Winner: Anne Freeman (Branxton) Runner-up: Brenda Wild (Mt Sugarloaf)
Block E Winner: Ron Bell (Mt Sugarloaf) Runner-up: Greg Freeman (Branxton)
Block F Winner: Lachlan Ogilvie (Mt Sugarloaf) Runner-up: Janet Dahlenburg (Maitland)

Terry Cheetham - Secretary

View of lawns 1 & 2 in play with Club House in background
28 January 2011 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club
Australia Day 2011

The Birpai people are the Traditional owners of all land and waters of the foreshores of the Greater Port Macquarie area. On Australia Day the 2nd Saltwater Freshwater Festival, celebrating the culture and heritage of the Birpai people, was held along those foreshores at Westport Park. They had displays and workshops in art, weaving, didgeridoo playing ... as well as music and acts on two stages.

A couple of hundred metres away we celebrated Australia Day at the Croquet Club, playing golf croquet and enjoying a barbecue with delicious salads and scrumptious desserts.

A good day was had by all.

Bridget Earle
(Publicity Officer)

8 December 2010 - Lismore Croquet Club
Lismore croquet Club Captain, Fay Ross recently organised through Margaret Mitchell, Club Captain of Murwillumbah Croquet Club for a Friendship Day of Associaiton Croquet played between the two clubs. This saw Murwillumbah players travel to Lismore for a day of frivolity and friendly play, but unfortunately for Murwillumbah players Lismore players came out winners and now have in their possession the Bread Board Shield. After an enjoyable afternoon tea of not so low calories, Murwillumbah players wound their way home.

The photo was taken at the end of the day by Margaret Mitchell, Murwillumbah Club Captain.

Marion Underhill
Publicity Officer
Lismore Croquet Club

6 December 2010 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club

Mid North Coast Croquet Council Christmas Party

The rain held off for the annual Christmas party of players, from Forster, Gloucester, Taree and Port Macquarie, who take part in inter-club handicap competitions throughout the year.

This year was Port Macquarie’s turn to host the day. After a morning of playing golf and association croquet we all enjoyed lunch together. This was followed by the presentation, by the MNCCC President Paddy Stevens, of trophies to the District Champions (named in the report from Forster on 10th October) and the overall winners of the Inter-Club Competitions. Port Macquarie received the Jan Sage Plate for golf croquet and Taree the Rogers Plate for association croquet.

Thanks to all who travelled to Port Macquarie for the day and to the club members who provided the salads, dessert, cakes, slices and decorations, particularly Sue Moss and Susan Klecka.

Bridget Earle
MNCCC Secretary/Treasurer
20 November 2010 - Dubbo City Croquet Club

Dubbo City Croquet Club now has a fascinating new website, including croquest movies and much more.

Click to view...
9 November 2010 - Lismore Croquet Club
Lismore Croquet Club recently held a most successful Come and Try evening, with our lawns swamped with in excess of fifty up and coming players. Interest was shown by four visitors and one actually came and played Golf Croquet with us last Thursday. We included a Trash & Treasure stall, plus a small raffle to expand our kitty. We fed the hungry with a barbeque after play was finished and club members took advantage of this time to mingle with our visitors. Our Secretary made a banner that we tied between two trees on our boundary fence along the main street. Our committee, though weary at the end, all agreed we had a successful night.

Marion Underhill
Hon. Secretary

Rita Cole shows some visitors how it is done:
2 November 2010 - Bundanoon Croquet Club
The Shoalhaven Shield competition between Bundanoon & Nowra took place last Friday 29th October. The results are:
David Archer (6) * 26 -7  Graham Cullen (7)
Leila Merson (12)  8 -26 * Margaret Sawers (11)
Jackie Crosslé (18)  3 -22 * Fay Lochrin (18)
Charles Cook (18) * 16 -12  Colleen McIntyre (20)
Leila Merson & Ian McClelland * 18 -14  Margaret Sawers & Fay Lochrin
David Archer & Jackie Crosslé * 15 -13  Graham Cullen & Mary Dunn
4 WINS 86 94 2 WINS
Bundanoon won the match on games, however Nowra actually scored more hoops.

Graham Cullen very nearly turned the tables in his doubles game. With the score 7-13 against him, and time already called, he played a magnificent six point break from 2-back to peg out his ball, leaving the score 13 all. Had his break left Mary in hoop 1 position, Nowra could easily have won the game and therefore the match. As it was Bundanoon had little difficulty running another hoop, which was Penultimate. As he was shaking hands and about to walk off the lawn Jackie said "David, why not run Rover as well?", so he walked back to his ball next to the peg and did so.

David Archer

David Archer, Graham Cullen, Leila Merson, Charles Cook, Colleen McIntyre,
Jackie Crosslé, Ian McClelland, Mary Dunn, Fay Lochrin, Margaret Sawers

25 October 2010 - Sawtell Croquet Club
Remember that washed out Golf Croquet Carnival in June? Well Sawtell has now redeemed itself with its Association Croquet Carnival last week. See the Results page.
10 October 2010 - Forster Croquet Club
2010 Mid North Coast Croquet Council District Championships

These championships were hosted by Forster from 8th - 10th October. Divisional champions in both golf croquet and association croquet from Forster, Gloucester, Port Macquarie and Taree competed in Round Robins over the three days. We were very fortunate with the weather, as it was very black all round for much of the three days, and we received very little rain.

Golf Croquet results were:
Division 1 (0 - 5): Forster (Don Scifleet and Barbara McTiernan)
Division 2 (6 - 8): Forster (Tom Adams and Sandy Coutts)
Division 3 (9 - 12): Forster (Val Streline, Sylvia Pushee and Merilyn Abbo)

Association Croquet results were:
Division 1 (down to 4.5): Larry Bryant (Port Macquarie)
Division 2 (5 - 8): Bridget Earle (Port Macquarie)
Division 3 (9 - 12): John Coates (Forster)
Division 4 (14 - 20): Rob Trevanion (Forster)

The Forster results were excellent and many of their members worked very hard with the organization, making cakes and slices and refereeing. Their efforts were greatly appreciated.

Bridget Earle (MNCCC Secretary/Treasurer)
Val Streline, Tom Adams, Sylvia Pushee, Don Scifleet, Sandy Coutts and Barbara McTiernan
Association winners - Larry Bryant (Div 1), John Coates (Div 3), Rob Trevanion (Div 4), Bridget Earle (Div 2)
News Archive
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