The CNSW Handbook

P A R T   D

S T A N D I N G   O R D E R S

101.QUORUMThe quorum for meetings of the Association shall be as defined in clause 25.1 of this handbook.
102.ORDER OF BUSINESSThe order of business shall follow the agenda prepared by Chairman and Secretary. Members shall introduce new business only after completion of the business set out on the agenda.
103.SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERSShould any matter of urgency arise, a member may move suspension of Standing Orders for a stated period of time to allow the urgent question to be discussed.
104.Upon suspension of Standing Orders, the meeting has resolved itself into a "committee of the whole" wherein persons may speak more than once. This is known as "in committee'. The spirit of good order contained in Standing Orders should continue to be observed.
105.CONDUCT OF SPEAKERSWhen the Chairman rises to address the meeting, all persons must remain seated. Any person wishing to speak must rise and wait acknowledgment by the Chairman.
106.No interruption of a speaker is allowed except by procedural motions (134, 135 and 136) and on a point of order, which must be taken immediately the alleged breach has occurred.
107.If two or more speakers rise, the Chairman shall call on the first one observed by him, subject to the power of the meeting to pass a resolution that a particular person be heard or otherwise, and subject also to the Chairman`s right to choose speakers alternately support ing and opposing the motion.
108.All remarks shall be addressed to the Chairman and any questions to another member shall be put through the Chairman.
109.CHAIRMAN`S RULINGThe Chairman shall rule on all points of order and procedure but is subject to a motion moved, seconded and carried "that the Chairman`s ruling be disagreed with". The mover may speak briefly in support of his motion and the Chairman may explain why his ruling was given. The Chairman takes the vote. Final authority rests with the Council under clause 5.1.
110.MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTSAll proposals made to the meeting shall be in the form of motions and amendments. Delegates may move or second a motion. Elected and appointed officers may move a motion.
111.Every speaker must keep to the question before the meeting. Any member who digresses from the subject may be called to order by the Chairman.
112.All motions and amendments proposed should be clearly expressed and capable of only one interpretation.
113.All motions and amendments, except the closure and "that the matter lie on the table" must be moved and seconded. If no seconder is found, the motion or amendment lapses.
114.A motion or amendment may be seconded pro forma to allow discussion to take place but the seconder need not support or vote for the proposal.
115.The seconder of a motion or amendment may reserve his speech to a later stage of the debate (see clause 123).
116.No person may speak twice to the same question except in explanation or in answer to question(s) unless he is the mover of the original motion exercising his right of reply.
117.WITHDRAWALNo motion or amendment which has been moved and seconded shall be withdrawn without the consent of the meeting.
118.PERSONAL EXPLANATIONBy permission of the Chairman, a member may speak briefly in personal explanation of his previous statement but must keep strictly to the point which has been misunderstood. His explanation must not interrupt another speaker.
119.ONLY ONE AMENDMENT AT A TIMEWhen an amendment is moved to an original motion, no motion, no further amendment shall be discussed until the first amendment is disposed of but further amendments may be foreshadowed without discussion. Amendments are voted on before the motion.
120.NOT DIRECT NEGATIONAn amendment must be relevant to the question and so framed that it forms, with the part of the original motion unaffected by it, a sensible and consistent proposal. It must not be a direct negation of the original motion.
121.SPEAKING TO AMENDMENTSNo person may move or second more than one amendment to an original motion but the mover and seconder of a motion or amendment may speak to subsequent amendments.
122.An amendment may not be moved or seconded by any person who has already spoken to the original motion or to a previous amendment.
123.RIGHT OF REPLYThe mover of a motion which is opposed may reply to the arguments raised before the motion is put but he may not introduce any new matter. His reply ends the debate if there are no amendments. If an amendment is moved, the mover of the original motion may speak to it and also exercise his right of reply before the first amendment is put. His reply need not end the debate on the substantive motion. The mover of the amendment has no right of reply.
124.AMENDMENT NEGATIVEDIf the first amendment is lost, the original motion again becomes open to amendment.
125.SUBSTANTIVE MOTIONIf the first amendment is carried, the motion as amended becomes the substantive motion and is again open to amendment. When the substan tive motion is put to the meeting and carried, it becomes the resolution.
126.No member may speak on any motion after it has been put to the vote. No amendment may be moved after the substantive motion has been put to the vote.
127.AMENDMENTS TO MOTIONS ON NOTICEAmendments may be moved to motions on notice provided they are in the scope of the notice and can involve the Association in no greater obligations than the notice specifies.
128.No motion can be accepted by the Chairman which is the same in effect as one already negated, except on notice of motion.
129.A motion on a subject matter which keeps recurring may be deferred by Council to a future nominated date.
130.A notice of motion must be in writing and forwarded to the Secretary, with the approval of the club the member represents.
131.Any motion of which due notice has been given may, in the absence of the giver of such notice, be moved by any other member.
132.RESCINDINGPrevious resolutions shall be automatically rescinded if changes are made in accordance with clause 14 of this handbook.
133.RESOLUTIONS NULL AND VOIDIf a resolution is passed inadvertently in contravention to the Constitution or By-Laws, it must be declared null and void.
134.NEXT BUSINESSA motion "that the meeting proceed to the next business" may be moved either on a motion or an amendment. It requires a seconder and cannot be discussed. Its effect is to discard the question under discussion.
135.CLOSUREA motion "that the question be now put", known as "the closure", may be moved during the discussion either of a motion or an amend ment. It can interrupt a speaker and must not be debated. It needs no seconder. If moved on an amendment, it affects the amendment only. It does not prevent the mover of the original motion exercising his right of reply (see clause 137).
136.SPEAKER NO LONGER HEARDA motion "that the speaker be no longer heard" must be seconded and must not be debated. The Chairman should try to obtain a fair hearing for the speaker if he is in order.
137.PROCEDURALThe three motions above, clauses 134, 135 and 136, are known as procedural motions because they cannot be debated or amended. They can only be moved by someone who has not previously spoken during the debate on the motion or amendment to which the procedural motion applies.
138ADJOURNMENT MOTIONSAny member who has not already spoken may move the adjourn ment of the debate, the adjournment of the meeting, or "that the Chairman leave the chair". The two adjournment motions may be amended but only as to time and place. These motions may not be moved a second time until a reasonable period has elapsed.