The CNSW Handbook

P A R T   B

B Y   L A W S



25.1 Quorum
25.2 Conduct
25.3 Voting
25.4 no entry
25.5 Annual Meeting
25.6 Ordinary Meetings
25.7 Special Meetings
26.1 General
26.2 President
26.3 Senior Vice President
26.4 Junior Vice President
26.5 Secretary
26.6 Minutes Secretary
26.7 Treasurer
26.8 Assistant Treasurer
26.9 State Director of Coaching AC
26.10 State Director of Coaching GC
26.11 State Director of Refereeing AC
26.12 State Director of Refereeing GC
26.13 State Co-ordinator of Association Croquet
26.14 State Co-ordinator of Golf Croquet
27.1 General
27.2 Public Officer
27.3 Honorary Auditor
27.4 Honorary Solicitor
27.5 Chairman of Management Committee
27.6 Insurance Officer
27.7 State Examining Referees
27.8 Website Administrator
27.9 Newsletter Editor
27.10 ACA Gazette Representative
27.11 NSW Sports Federation Representative
27.12 Regional Coaching Co-Ordinators
27.13 Records Officer
27.14 Trophies Officer
27.15 State Handicapper
27.16 Publicity Officer
27.17 Returning Officer
27.18 Archivist
27.19 Librarian
27.20 State Coach
28.1 General
28.2 Coaching
28.3 Gateball
28.4 no entry
28.5 Facilities Maintenance
28.6 Publicity
28.7 Referees
28.8 Selection
28.9 Social
28.10 Tournament

21.1Each affiliated club shall be represented on the Council in accordance with clause 5.3.
21.2An affiliated club shall notify the Secretary of the Association immediately of any change of name or address of its president, secretary, delegates or proxy delegates.
21.3Each affiliated club shall pay to the Association an annual club affiliation fee together with the member affiliation fees for playing members who are affiliated through that club (see clauses 4.3.2 and 4.3.3). At the discretion of the Executive the annual club affiliation fee may be waived in the first year.
21.4Affiliation fees, determined by Council, shall become due on July 1 and shall be paid no later than July 31 each year.
21.5Each club shall submit with the affiliation fees a schedule of names, addresses and telephone numbers of president, secretary, delegates, proxy delegates and all affiliated members.
21.6An affiliation fee of onehalf (1/2) shall be paid for those persons who joined affiliated clubs after January 1 of that financial year.
21.7Upon application by affiliated clubs, the Association shall have the power to enquire into and determine questions or disputes involving such clubs or members thereof.
21.8Any affiliated club or affiliated member refusing or neglecting to abide by the decision of the Council on any matter after one month from the date of notice being given of the decision may, at the discretion of the Council, cease to belong to or have any representation on the Council and forfeit all rights and privileges and be disqualified from any future representation thereon until amends be made to the satisfaction of Council.
21.9Any delegate of a club being party to a question at issue under clauses 21.7 and 21.8 shall not have a vote in the decision thereon.
21.10Any motion from a club (or its Delegate) which relates significantly to the policy or the finances of the Association must be submitted to the Executive at least 28 days prior to the meeting of Council
22.1The Council will meet at least five times per year including the Annual General Meeting but this may be held immediately after an Ordinary meeting. (see also clause 6).
22.2The Council shall have the power to alter the handbook (see clause 14).
22.3The Council shall have the power to elect such committees as may be required.
22.4The Council shall determine all Association fees and levies for the next financial year at the June meeting of Council immediately preceding the commencement of such year (July 1).
22.5The Council shall have the power to invest and to borrow money on behalf of the Association.
22.6The Council shall have the power to discipline a club and/or member in accordance with clause 4.10.
23.EXECUTIVE. The Executive shall:
23.1meet prior to each Council meeting and at such other times as may be required;
23.2be authorised to spend such amounts as adopted in the Budget and as set out in Appendix 10 without further approval of Council
23.3supervise and manage the finances and property of the Association and act in accordance with the provisions of clause 5.2.2.
23.4liaise with local, state and federal government authorities and other sporting bodies as appropriate. The Executive shall be the only body authorised to so act on behalf of the Association. Any written communications to such third parties shall be presented on the Association’s letterhead and bear the signature of the President/Secretary.
23.5seek to promote the Association by way of improving the communication and dissemination of information relating to the activities of the clubs; encouraging new members into the Association; supporting efforts to improve the accommodation and the efficiency of headquarters; and in any other ways deemed to be appropriate.
23.6bring recommendations on any matter to Council;
23.7comply with the requirements of Business and Consumer Affairs if the position of Public Officer becomes vacant (see clause 5.4.5);
23.8present recommendations on amounts of honoraria to the final Council meeting of the financial year.
24.1A delegate shall hold office until his successor is appointed.
24.2A delegate must be a member of the club represented..
24.3If a delegate is unable to attend a meeting of Council then the club concerned may appoint a proxy delegate who is vested with the full powers of a delegate for the time being. The Secretary shall be notified of such an appointment before the meeting.
24.3.1In the case of a non-metropolitan club, a proxy delegate must be a member of the Association but need not belong to the club represented.
24.3.2In the case of a metropolitan club, a proxy delegate must be a member of the Association and must belong to the club represented.
24.4At Council meetings, each delegate or proxy delegate shall represent the views of his club on matters which have been discussed by the clubs.
24.5At Council meetings, each delegate or proxy delegate shall have one vote.
24.6At any one Council meeting, a delegate or proxy delegate may represent only one club except as provided in clause 25.3.5.
24.7After each Council meeting, delegates or proxy delegates shall promptly convey any special business or resolutions to the clubs which they represent.
25.1.1Annual Meeting and Council meetings - twenty (20) delegates (or proxy delegates).
25.1.2Executive meetings - three members of the Executive.
25.1.3Committee meetings - simple majority.
25.1.4Exofficio members shall not be included in the quorum.
25.1.5No business shall be transacted by the Council, Executive or committees unless a quorum is present and if within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a time and place to be determined.
25.2.1The President of the Association shall be Chairman of the Annual Meeting, all meetings of Council and the Executive. If the President is absent, a Vice President shall be Chairman. If the President and Vice Presidents are absent, the Secretary shall act as Chairman for the purpose of electing the Chairman for that meeting only.
25.2.2Unless otherwise prescribed in the constitution, all matters before meetings shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote.
25.2.3The Annual Meeting and all Council meetings shall be conducted under the Standing Orders set out in Part D of this handbook.
25.3.1At the Annual Meeting and all meetings of Council, all affiliated members may be present and may speak thereat but only delegates or proxy delegates present may vote, provided however that the Chairman has the right of a casting vote if required.
25.3.2Members of the Executive and other elected members (as detailed in 26.1.1); Appointed Officers (as detailed in 27.1.1), and Chairs of Committees may propose or second motions at Council relating to their specific duties or expertise.
25.3.3If the Chairman is a delegate or proxy delegate, he shall vote in accordance with his delegated authority at any meeting of Council.
25.3.4At committee meetings, ex officio members shall not be entitled to vote.
25.3.5Notwithstanding any other provisions of these by-laws, in the event that a club is unable to appoint a delegate or proxy delegate to represent it at the meeting of Council, then the Chair may be appointed as the proxy delegate for the club. Only clubs which lie outside the Sydney Metropolitan Area (if Council meets in Sydney) can adopt this procedure. The Chair may then vote according to the wishes of the club on those matters which appear on the Agenda paper for the meeting of Council. Authority for the Chair to so act must be presented in writing prior to the meeting of Council. The Chairman will advise the numbers of votes which he holds for and against the motion in his capacity as proxy delegate for all such clubs satisfying this provision, after members of Council present, have cast their votes on the matter at hand.
25.4No entry
25.5ANNUAL MEETING. The business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting shall consist of the following:
25.5.1Notice of Meeting
25.5.3Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Annual Meeting
25.5.4Secretary's Report
25.5.5Financial Report and Budget
25.5.6Receipt and consideration of the statement which is required to be submitted to members pursuant to Section 26 (6) of the Act.
25.5.7Election of Officers and Standing Committees
25.5.8Ratification of appointments of appointed officers.
25.5.9General Business:
(a) Motions on Notice
(b) Recognition of Sponsors
25.6ORDINARY MEETINGS. The business to be transacted at ordinary meetings of Council shall consist of the following:
25.6.2Minutes of Previous Meeting
25.6.3Business Arising from the Minutes
25.6.4Executive Report
25.6.5Treasurer’s Report
25.6.6Reports from CNSW Officers not associated with committees
25.6.7Committee Reports
25.6.8New Ventures
25.6.10Business Arising from Correspondence
25.6.11General Business
25.6.12At the last meeting of the financial year, Honoraria
25.7SPECIAL MEETINGS. The business to be transacted at special meetings of Council shall consist of the following:
25.7.1Notice of Meeting
25.7.3Business of the Meeting
26.1.1The elected officers of the Association shall be:
(a) President
(b) Senior Vice President
(c) Junior Vice President
(d) Secretary
(e) Minutes Secretary
(f) Treasurer
(g) Assistant Treasurer
(h) State Director of Coaching Association Croquet (AC)
(i) State Director of Coaching Golf Croquet (GC)
(j) State Director of Refereeing Association Croquet (AC)
(k) State Director of Refereeing Golf Croquet (GC)
(l) State Co-ordinator of Association Croquet
(m) State Co-ordinator of Golf Croquet
(n) such other officers as Council may from time to time consider necessary.
26.1.2Each officer shall be an affiliated member of the Association.
26.1.3All officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall hold office until the conclusion of the ensuing Annual Meeting.
26.1.4The President shall not hold office for more than three consecutive years and shall not be eligible for reelection to that position for a further year.
26.1.5Other officers shall not hold the same office for more than three consecutive years unless no other nomination is received for the position at the end of that period. However the State Directors of Coaching and Refereeing and the State Co-ordinator of Golf Croquet, while subject to annual re-election, may continue in office up to a maximum period of 5 years.
26.1.6Nominations in writing shall be lodged with the Secretary by July 31 and shall have the written consent of the nominee (see Appendix 2).
26.1.7In the event of no nomination being received for a particular office by July 31, nominations may be made at the Annual Meeting.
26.1.8Vacancies which occur other than at the Annual Meeting are known as casual vacancies. Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Council and failing that, then the Executive may make an appointment for the balance of the term otherwise vacant.
26.1.9The partial term served for a particular casual vacancy does not count as part of the term of office.
26.2PRESIDENT. The President shall :
26.2.1be the principal officer of the Association ;
26.2.2preside at the Annual Meeting, Council and Executive meetings;
26.2.3be, ex officio, a member of all committees but shall not be required necessarily to attend same;
26.2.4have the right to be one of the State delegates to the Australian Croquet Association AGM;
26.2.5ensure that the policies of the Association and Council are properly implemented and coordinated.
26.3SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT. The Senior Vice President shall:
26.3.1in the absence of the President, act in his stead;
26.3.2assist the President;
26.4JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT. The Junior Vice President shall:
26.4.1in the absence of the Senior Vice President, act in his stead;
26.4.2assist the President and Senior Vice President.
26.5SECRETARY. The Secretary shall:
26.5.1convene and attend the Annual Meeting, Council and Executive meetings;
26.5.2receive all incoming correspondence;
26.5.3be responsible for all outgoing correspondence;
26.5.4ensure that proper Minutes are kept of all meetings (see clause 26.5.1);
26.5.5ensure that the decisions of meetings are communicated, understood and carried out;
26.5.6prepare comprehensive agenda for all Council and Executive meetings (see clause 102);
26.5.7prepare a report for the Annual Meeting;
26.5.8be, ex officio, a member of all committees, but shall not be required necessarily to attend same;
26.5.9send Annual Reports to the Patron, Public Officer, Honorary Auditor, Honorary Solicitor, affiliated clubs, individual members, honorary life members and sponsors;
26.5.10keep up to date this handbook, lodge the official copy at the Association Headquarters for reference and hold a file copy in the Secretary’s own custody;
26.5.11lodge applications for Government grants each year as appropriate, under the direction of the Executive;
26.5.12ensure that the premises are properly prepared for all official occasions;
26.5.13arrange for members to view records, free of charge, when requested at any reasonable hour;
26.5.14perform such other duties as directed by the Executive.
26.6MINUTES SECRETARY. The Minutes Secretary shall:
26.6.1record the proceedings of the Annual Meeting and all Council meetings;
26.6.2maintain a record of all policy resolutions of Council.
26.7TREASURER. The Treasurer shall:
26.7.1receive all monies on behalf of the Association and ensure their safe custody;
26.7.2attend to payment of all accounts at the direction of Council, or in extraordinary circumstances, the Executive. Signatories for this purpose shall be any two of President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer;
26.7.3keep adequate and proper books of account, such records to remain the property of the Association;
26.7.4report the financial position to the Executive and to Council;
26.7.5recommend the investment of funds to ensure suitable returns on funds held;
26.7.6submit financial records for audit;
26.7.7prepare the Financial Report for the Annual Meeting;
26.7.8prepare a budget for the ensuing year for presentation at the Annual Meeting;
26.7.9present the recommendations of the Executive relating to the club affiliation fee, the member affiliation fee, lawn fees and such other fees and levies as required to the June meeting of Council prior to the commencement of the following financial year ( see clause 22.4)
26.8ASSISTANT TREASURER. The Assistant Treasurer shall:
26.8.1assist the Treasurer by performing such duties as directed by him;
26.8.2maintain an inventory of all equipment, and other property held by the Association;
26.8.3in the absence of the Treasurer, act in his stead; such period will not form part of the three years' term in that office.
26.9STATE DIRECTOR OF COACHING AC (SDC AC). The State Director of Coaching AC shall:
26.9.1be an accredited coach through the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS);
26.9.2be Chairman of the Coaching Committee;
26.9.3act in accordance with the provisions of the NCAS;
26.9.4arrange coaching courses, presenters and recipients of such courses;
26.9.5keep records of coaching courses;
26.9.6maintain records of NCAS accredited coaches;
26.9.7work in conjunction with ACA National Coaching Director AC;
26.9.8recommend to the Executive the reimbursement of expenses to coaches for the conduct of training courses and other such matters.
26.10STATE DIRECTOR OF COACHING GC (SDC GC). The State Director of Coaching GC shall:
26.10.1be an accredited coach through the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS);
26.10.2be chairman of the Coaching Committee;
26.10.3act in accordance with the provisions of NCAS;
26.10.4arrange coaching course, presenters and recipients of such courses;
26.10.5keep records of coaching courses;
26.10.6maintain records of NCAS accredited coaches;
26.10.7work in conjunction with ACA National Coaching Director GC;
26.10.8recommend to the Executive the reimbursement of expenses to coaches for the conduct of training courses and other such matters.
26.11STATE DIRECTOR OF REFEREEING AC (SDR AC). The State Director of Refereeing AC shall:
26.11.1be a qualified referee;
26.11.2chair the Referees Committee (AC);
26.11.3recommend to the Executive and hence to Council the appointment of persons to conduct examinations of members wishing to qualify as Association Croquet referees – such persons to be known as Association Croquet Examiners;
26.11.4supervise the duties of the State Examining Referees and make recommendations in conjunction with the Executive, to Council on the appointment of such referees (see also clause 26.11.10 and 27.7);
26.11.5keep records of referees, umpires and examinations, including a referee and umpire register, and provide such detail to the Records Officer;
26.11.6appoint tournament referees as required;
26.11.7organise / conduct appropriate training and refresher courses and arrange finance with the agreement of the Executive;
26.11.8keep referees and umpires up to date with law decisions and amendments, new interpretations of laws, regulations and developments, etc;
26.11.9advise the National Director of Refereeing (AC) of changes needed to the referees examination;
26.11.10ensure there are sufficient examining referees, attention being given to the appointment of referees in urban and regional areas;
26.11.11make approaches to each club without a qualified referee, with advice and assistance to interested members considering referee and umpire qualifications;
26.11.12recommend to the Executive the reimbursement of expenses to referees conducting training courses for potential referees and umpires, refresher courses for referees and umpires, introductory Laws classes or examination of potential referees and umpires.
26.12STATE DIRECTOR OF REFEREEING GC (SDR GC). The State Director of Refereeing GC shall:
26.12.1be a qualified referee;
26.12.2chair the Referees Committee (GC);
26.12.3recommend to the Executive and hence to Council the appointment of persons to conduct examinations of members wishing to qualify as Golf Croquet referees – such persons to be known as Golf Croquet Examiners;
26.12.4supervise the duties of the State Examining Referees and make recommendations in conjunction with the Executive, to Council on the appointment of such referees (see also clause 26.12.10 and 27.7);
26.12.5keep records of referees and examinations, including a referee register, and provide such detail to the Records Officer;
26.12.6appoint tournament referees as required;
26.12.7organise / conduct appropriate training and refresher courses and arrange finance with the agreement of the Executive;
26.12.8keep referees and umpires up to date with Rules decisions and amendments, new interpretations of Rules, regulations and developments, etc;
26.12.9advise the National Director of Refereeing (GC) of changes needed to the referees examination;
26.12.10ensure there are sufficient examining referees, attention being given to the appointment of referees in urban and regional areas;
26.12.11make approaches to each club without a qualified referee, with advice and assistance to interested members considering referee qualifications;
26.12.12recommend to the Executive the reimbursement of expenses to referees conducting training courses for potential referees, refresher courses for referees, introductory Rules classes or examination of potential referees.
26.13STATE CO-ORDINATOR OF ASSOCIATION CROQUET (SCAC). The State Co-ordinator of Association Croquet shall:
26.13.1be a qualified referee in Association Croquet;
26.13.2seek to foster Association Croquet in NSW by:
a) disseminating information on the game;
b) working with SDC (AC) and SDR (AC) arranging demonstrations and coaching as required including workshops, seminars, training and refresher courses;
c) maintaining liaison with National and Interstate officers associated with the sport.
26.14STATE CO-ORDINATOR OF GOLF CROQUET (SCGC). The State Co-ordinator of Golf Croquet shall:
26.14.1be a qualified referee in Golf Croquet;
26.14.2seek to foster Golf Croquet in NSW by:
a) disseminating information on the game;
b) working with SDC (GC) and SDR (GC) arranging demonstrations and coaching as required including workshops, seminars, training and refresher courses;
c) maintaining liaison with National and Interstate officers associated with the sport.
27.1.1The appointed officers of the Association shall be:
(a) Patron
(b) Public Officer
(c) Honorary Auditor
(d) Honorary Solicitor
(e) Chairman of Management Committee
(f) Insurance Officer
(g) State Examining Referees
(h) Website Administrator
(i) Newsletter Editor
(j) ACA Gazette Representative
(k) NSW Sports Federation Representative
(l) Regional Coaching Co-Ordinators
(m) Records Officer
(n) Trophies Officer
(o) State Handicapper
(p) Publicity Officer
(q) Returning Officer
(r) Archivist
(s) Librarian, and
(t) such other officers as Council may from time to time consider necessary.
27.1.2The Council may invite any person to become Patron of the Association.
27.1.3The Council shall appoint qualified persons to become Honorary Auditor and Honorary Solicitor. Such appointees need not be members of the Association.
27.1.4All appointed officers except Regional Coaching Co-Ordinators shall be ratified at the Annual Meeting and shall hold office until the conclusion of the ensuing Annual Meeting.
27.2PUBLIC OFFICER. The Public Officer shall:
27.2.1notify the Secretary, Business and Consumer Affairs, by the prescribed form and with the prescribed fee, of the following:
(a) appointment (within fourteen days) (Form 9)
(b) change of residential address (within fourteen days) (Form 10)
(c) change in the Association's objectives, Constitution and ByLaws (within one month) (Form 6)
(d) change in the membership of the Executive (within fourteen days) (Form 7)
(e) the Association's financial affairs (within one month after the Annual Meeting) (Form 12)
(f) change in the Association's name (within one month) (Form 4)
(g) application for an extension of time in the lodgement of the Annual Statement or the delay in holding the Annual Meeting (Form 11)
27.2.2keep in his safe custody the Common Seal of the Association in accordance with clause 13.
27.2.3keep in his custody a copy of the handbook and any alterations, amendments and rescissions in accordance with clause 14.3.1.
27.3HONORARY AUDITOR. The Honorary Auditor shall:
27.3.1be a qualified Accountant;
27.3.2upon request of the Association duly audit the Association's books and sign the Financial Report;
27.3.3sign the Certificate of Expenditure from the Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing.
27.3.4In the event that an honorary is unavailable, the Executive may appoint an Auditor who shall receive appropriate remuneration
27.4HONORARY SOLICITOR. The Honorary Solicitor shall:
27.4.1upon request assist the Association on legal matters.
27.4.2In the event that an honorary is unavailable, the Executive may appoint a Solicitor who shall receive appropriate remuneration
27.5CHAIRMAN OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. The Chairman of the Management Committee shall:
27.5.1oversee the duties of the Management Committee;
27.5.2in the absence of any member of the committee, ensure that the duties performed by such member be carried out.
27.6INSURANCE OFFICER. The Insurance Officer shall:
27.6.1Provide all information as necessary to the National Insurance Officer as to the number and detail of participating clubs in the ACA insurance scheme and report to the CNSW Executive on matters relating to the viability, reliability and continuance of that scheme.
27.6.2administer the scheme for the association
27.7.1There shall be a minimum of 5 Examining Referees, all of whom shall be qualified referees.
27.7.2an Examining Referee shall not hold office for more than 9 consecutive years from the Annual Meeting at which the appointment was initially ratified.
27.7.3examining referees shall consult with and be advised by the State Director of Refereeing as to their duties and, if appropriate, the State Co-Ordinator of Golf Croquet. This will include:
(a) the conduct of examinations for referees and umpires
(b) the need for changes to any examination syllabus
(c ) any matters relating to the administration of examinations
27.8WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR. The Website Administrator shall:
27.8.1design and maintain a website for the Association which reflects its place in the sport of Croquet and which provides members with details of tournaments, coaching, handicaps and other such information as thought necessary. The administrator is to consult with the Secretary as to appropriate information to be provided
27.9NEWSLETTER EDITOR. The Newsletter Editor shall
27.9.1edit and publish the CNSW Newsletter, usually in conjunction with each ordinary meeting of Council. The content of the Newsletter shall be discussed with the Secretary who will also arrange for the printing and distribution of the Newsletter
27.10ACA GAZETTE REPRESENTATIVE. The Gazette Representative shall collect news, articles and photographs for submission to the editor of the ACA Gazette for publication. A copy of such shall be sent to the Newsletter editor and to the Secretary.
27.11NSW SPORTS FEDERATION REPRESENTATIVE. The NSW Sports Federation Representative shall represent CNSW interests at meetings of the NSW Sports Federation and report to the CNSW on matters affecting croquet.
27.12REGIONAL COACHING CO-ORDINATORS. The Regional Coaching Co-ordinators shall:
27.12.1be NCAS Level 2 accredited coaches, where possible;
27.12.2each represent a State Coaching Region;
27.12.3be members of the Coaching Committee;
27.12.4assist the State Director of Coaching;
27.12.5be responsible to the State Director of Coaching for the conduct of clinics and the croquet (sports-specific) part of accreditation courses.
27.13RECORDS OFFICER. The Records Officer shall:
27.13.1maintain the data base of members and clubs, including, inter-alia, all telephone numbers, handicaps, and other appropriate details;
27.13.2Assist the State Handicapper (or act as Joint State Handicapper - see clause 27.15) in preparing documentation relating to the AHS and provide handicap data (particularly for Match players) to the Website Administrator for publication on the CNSW website.
27.13.3Assign Identification Numbers (ID) for all new members and maintain a list of members no longer affiliated and reassign ID’s as appropriate
27.13.4Request details of handicaps, from Club Handicappers, for Non- Competition members at least once per year
27.13.5be responsible for production of the Yearbook.
27.13.6Produce documentation for re-affiliation of members and receive all such re-affiliation forms from the clubs and check for correct receipt of monies.
27.14TROPHIES OFFICER The Trophies Officer shall;
27.14.1maintain an inventory of all trophies held by the Association and be responsible for the collection and engraving of such trophies for presentation.
27.15STATE HANDICAPPER The State Handicapper shall:
27.15.1preferably be a position occupied jointly by two persons. It is appropriate that one of these should be the Records Officer (see clause 27.13.2)
27.15.2administer the AHS for the Association and in particular with reference to Clauses 5.1 to 5.4 of the ACA Handicapping Regulations. Consider and impart to all clubs additional supplementary advice or guidelines as are received from time to time from the ACA Handicapping Committee
27.16.1PUBLICITY OFFICER The Publicity Officer shall:
27.16.1be chairman of the Publicity Committee;
27.16.2publicise the game of croquet and activities of the Association throughout NSW;
27.16.3liaise with possible sponsors;
27.16.4prepare press releases and liaise with the media with the approval of the Executive.
27.17RETURNING OFFICER. The Returning Officer shall:
27.17.1prepare ballot papers for annual election;
27.17.2conduct postal voting as required;
27.17.3together with the scrutineers, count votes as required.
27.18ARCHIVIST. The Archivist shall:
27.18.1collect, maintain and/or record all relevant historic and archival material;
27.18.2safely retain all Association records and archival material;
27.18.3allow all such material to be available to clubs and members when required.
27.19LIBRARIAN. The Librarian shall:
27.19.1catalogue and maintain all books, periodicals, videos, films and any other material pertaining to croquet;
27.19.2make all such information and material accessible to clubs and members as required, with the borrower being responsible forcollection and return, postage and insurance cover.
27.20STATE COACH. The State Coach shall:
27.20.1be preferably a Level 2 Accredited Coach or a person accepted by the Executive as having the equivalent experience and skills;
27.20.2coach the State Training Squad and the State Team;
27.20.3maintain close liaison with the Selection Committee, State Director of Coaching and recommend to the Executive that Development Coaches be appointed if considered beneficial;
27.20.4report to and perform other duties as requested by the Executive.
28.1.1The committees of the Association shall be as follows:
(a) Coaching
(b) Gateball
(c) Management
(d) Publicity
(e) Referees
(f) Selection
(g) Social
(h) Tournament
(i) such other committees as Council may from time to time consider necessary.
28.1.2All members of committees shall be affiliated members of the Association.
28.1.3A member may not serve on a particular committee for more than four consecutive years unless special circumstances require otherwise. A member may not be chairman of a particular committee for more than three consecutive years.
28.1.4All committee members shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall hold office until the conclusion of the ensuing Annual Meeting.
28.1.5Nominations for membership of any committee shall be made by affiliated clubs; all such nominations shall be lodged in writing with the Secretary by July 31 and have the written consent of the nominee.
28.1.6In the event of insufficient nominations being received for a particular committee by July 31, nominations may be made at the Annual Meeting.
28.1.7Vacancies shall be filled by the Council, and failing that, then the Executive may make an appointment for the balance of the term otherwise vacant.
28.1.8The chairman and secretary of each committee shall be elected at the first meeting of the new committee and shall notify the Secretary of the Association and the Records Officer of such appointments.
28.1.9Committees shall have the power to coopt for special purposes for a specified period.
28.1.10The secretary of each committee shall keep suitable records of its proceedings, such records to remain the property of the Association.
28.1.11Each committee shall be responsible for its own paperwork, of which the final copy for publication shall be given to the Administrative Assistant for distribution.
28.1.12Each committee shall submit to the Secretary of the Association, within ten days, a copy of the Minutes of each meeting.
28.1.13Each committee shall submit a written report to the Secretary of the Association (prior to each Council meeting) of acts and decisions made at its meetings.
28.1.14Each committee shall be responsible to Council and to the Executive (see Clause 5.2.2) and shall obtain approval for its policy and actions. Any motion from a committee which bears on the policy or finances of the Association must be submitted to the Executive at least 28 days prior to the meeting of Council.
28.1.15Power, scope and duties of each committee are defined below in the appropriate bylaws for the committee concerned.
28.2COACHING. The committee shall:
28.2.1consist of the State Director of Coaching, the Regional Coaching Co-Ordinators (or proxies) and 3 elected members;
28.2.2be N.C.A.S. accredited coaches;
28.2.3from time to time delineate State Coaching Regions and appoint Regional Coaching Co-Ordinators;
28.2.4assist the State Director of Coaching and Regional Coaching Co-Ordinators with implementation of the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme;
28.2.5assist the Association on all matters pertaining to coaching;
28.2.6keep records of coaching courses
28.2.7distribute to members information gained from the Australian Sports Commission literature and seminars;
28.2.8maintain a record of available manuals, films and videos;
28.2.9assist in preparation of coaching material;
28.2.10recommend to the Executive (see 26.9.8) the reimbursement of expenses to coaches responsible for presenting an accreditation course or a coaching clinic;
28.2.11arrange coaching sessions under appropriate circumstances with coaches and recommend to the Executive (see 26.9.8) reimbursement of expenses;
28.2.12recommend to the Executive (see 26.9.8) reimbursement for half the costs of General Principles Courses to persons completing all the Level 2 coaching accreditation requirements.
28.3GATEBALL COMMITTEE. The committee shall:
28.3.1consist of three members;
28.3.2promote the game of gateball by providing instructional literature and conducting demonstrations, and scheduling events for inclusion in the Association’s calendar.
28.3.3recommend to the executive the purchase of equipment as required.
28.4no entry
28.5.1The objective of the Facilities Maintenance Committee is to maintain all the CNSW facilities at the Tempe headquarters in good condition.
28.5.2The Committee will consist of between 3 and 5 members. Allocation of responsibilities to members of the Committee will be the responsibility of the chairman.
28.5.3The Committee is responsible for:
(a) The maintenance of the outdoors areas for which CNSW is responsible. This includes the croquet lawns and surroundings.
(b) Maintenance of the headquarters buildings comprising the office complex and equipment sheds.
(c) Cleaning and housekeeping of the headquarters areas.
28.5.4The Committee will carry out the maintenance using both maintenance contractors and volunteers as necessary. When employing contractors the Committee shall use appropriate commercial processes including obtaining quotes, overseeing the work and approving invoices. The Committee will organise working bees of volunteers where necessary, and co- ordinate the work.
28.5.5The Committee will prepare an annual budget for maintenance work and submit it to the Executive Committee (via the Treasurer) for their approval. The committee shall report actual expenditure against budget on a regular basis. Any significant unforeseen expenditure shall be referred to the Executive Committee for approval.
28.5.6The Committee shall assess the state of the facilities on a regular basis and alert the Executive Committee where upgrades or major repairs are required.
28.5MANAGEMENT. The committee shall:
28.5.1consist of five members, the Chairman of which shall be appointed by the Council (see clause 27.1);
28.5.2be responsible for planning management strategies for Headquarters clubhouse and lawns subject to the approval of the Executive;
28.5.3be responsible for ongoing management of Headquarters clubhouse and lawns; including, among other things, the following:
(a) detailed examination of proposals for new works at Headquarters, especially with respect to feasibility and estimated cost. If possible, recommendations to the Executive for adoption of proposals should include choices between different technical solutions, with costs;
(b) liaison with tenderers and contractors and with tradespeople generally but not in general with external authorities such as the local Council (see clauses 5.2.2 and 23.4),
(c) maintenance of premises and equipment, including making recommendations for developments to the Executive.
28.5.4Unless otherwise arranged by the chairman, each of the four members of the committee, other than the Chairman, shall be responsible for one of the following:
(a) finance
(b) maintenance of lawns
(c) equipment
(d) housekeeping.
28.6PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. The committee shall:
28.6.1consist of three members, one of whom shall be the Publicity Officer (see clause 27.16);
28.6.2assist the Publicity Officer in providing publicity for the Association with the aim of increasing membership and bringing croquet to the attention of the public. Design and produce suitable brochures and posters.
28.7REFEREES. The committee shall:
28.7.1consist of the State Director of Refereeing and two other members, both of whom shall be qualified referees;
28.7.2assist the State Director of Refereeing in the performance of the duties listed in 26.10 above.
28.8SELECTION. The committee shall:
28.8.1consist of five members;
28.8.2adhere to the selection criteria at Appendix 4;
28.8.3select players for the State Team and any other teams required;
28.8.4select players for invitation events;
28.8.5select players for development and training squads (For development squads the committee may call for expressions of interest, seek input from clubs and have regard to criteria beyond that in Appendix IV.
28.8.6inform the Secretary of the Association of selected players.
28.9SOCIAL. The committee shall:
28.9.1consist of three members;
28.9.2be responsible for the organisation of all social events for the Association, including its Gala Days, in liaison with the Executive;
28.9.3compile a billeting register;
28.9.4arrange billeting for members participating in tournaments, for interstate and international visitors as required.
28.10TOURNAMENT. The committee shall:
28.10.1consist of five members;
28.10.2prepare an annual calendar of events for the following year, for submission to Council at the September meeting, these to include:
(a) Association events
(b) major tournaments run by affiliated clubs
(c) Association and affiliated club gala days
(d) additional events to meet perceived needs;
(e) ensure that the Records Officer is fully informed at each stage of preparation of the Calendar
28.10.3comply with all duties as set down in clauses 112,113,114 and 118 of Section C of this Handbook