Coach development


The introduction of the ACA Golf Croquet Coach Training Program was a perfect time to streamline the system of how players apply to become coaches. Players will be required to complete a Coaching Request application and the same form will be used for all both Association and Golf Croquet and for new coaches, updating to a higher level and reaccreditation. Club Coaching Coordinators will be required to support the player’s application as they are in the best position to determine the individual Club needs before the application is forwarded for processing. The Application for Coach Training form is available from the Coaching page.

It is anticipated that with the introduction of the new Golf Croquet Coach Training Program the services of our Presenters will be in high demand initially. Clubs and players need to understand that with 67 affiliated Clubs within NSW not all applications will be able to be serviced immediately as Presenters still have other commitments and training of coaches must fit around these commitments. Players may also have to travel to another Club in their area to attend training as it will not be possible to attend every individual Club. My ideal goal would be to have a minimum of one Level O coach in every Club within 18 months.

State Director of Coaching