NSW club news archive

23 September 2008 - Jamberoo Croquet Club
Often on Golf Croquet days, when a player misses a shot, you’ll hear something like, "Don’t worry. We’re not playing for a Sheep Station!"

At Jamberoo, we decided to have one day in the year when we do play for the Sheep Station (Trophy). That day was last Saturday. Members dressed in traditional Aussie clobber; the lawns were decorated appropriately and the menu of the day included sausage sangers, lamingtons, ANZAC biscuits and billy tea.

There was plenty of hilarity, especially when a couple of old birds dropped in (but it was too hot, so they quickly changed into more comfortable gear) and jokes and a good old sing-along entertained everyone during lunch. The watermelon seed-spitting competition attracted a number of enthusiastic competitors as did the bagatelle and other games.

Partners for the Golf Croquet were drawn at random and play for this part of the day was fairly serious! The weather man was kind to us and we all had lots of fun - What a great way to spend a day!

Brenda Evans
Publicity Officer

23 September 2008 - Bundanoon Croquet Club
A very lovely day was put on for the Morton Park Shield competition between Bundanoon & Jamberoo, but that didn't help the Bundanoon players put on their best of play, though there were two changes of players we still found the way hard going. The results are:
David Archer & Jim Merson*14-12 David Simmonds & Len Chafer
Leila Merson 10-11*Diana Chafer
Ian McClelland 5-10*Brenda Evans
Sheila Topham 7-12*John Griffiths
David Archer 12-26*David Simmonds
1 WIN 48 71 4 WINS
The games were played in good spirit of sportsmanship and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon tea together before their departure & inviting Bundanoon players to the challenge next year.

Leila Merson
Club Captain

David Simmonds, Ian McClelland, David Archer, Len Shafer, Jim Merson, Leila Merson, Diana Schafer, Sheila Topham, Brenda Evans
15 September 2008 - Forster Croquet Club
The 2008 Forster Winter Carnival was cancelled due to lack of entries. However there were a couple of contributing factors including a change of date so the Committee has decided to re-instate it for a year to see if it is viable to continue into the future.

Please download our preliminary flier for details.
4 August 2008 - Maitland Croquet Club
Maitland Croquet Club swept the pool by winning both the Division 1 and Division 2 pennant finals at Tempe. Maitland in fact had two teams in each division.

The finals and semi finals were held last Friday at Tempe and whilst it was cold we managed to get all the games finished before the rain arrived.

In the semi finals of the Div 2 Maitland A defeated Mosman 3 0 whilst Milton-Ulladulla defeated Sutherland 2 1. Maitland A then went on to defeat Milton-Ulladulla 2 0 in the final..

In Division 1 there was only the final to be played and Maitland A defeated Mosman 2 0. Congratulations to both the winning teams. .

A big thank you to all those players who came and refereed. It was great to have in this case an excess number and thus enable the referees to have a break. .

To those players who played pennants during the year a thank you for participating and I trust you will all play again next year.

Geof McDonald

27 July 2008 - Jamberoo Croquet Club
Construction of the new clubhouse for Jamberoo Croquet Club commenced in May under the direction of Roger Evans. The building is now at lock-up stage, with the insulation in place, ready for the plasterboard to be installed, hopefully by the end of July.

On Tuesday, 22nd July, members tackled one of the biggest DIY jobs of the project. This was the trenching and installation of the water and electrical supplies to the building. Club President, Bob Williams, hired the trench digger and had it on site at about 8:00 am and work started soon afterwards. Fortunately, the water supply pipe was found fairly quickly, thanks to some assistance from Kiama Council who had used their location equipment to mark the route. It was a long day for a group of ten old codgers but digging and installing the pipe and cabling were all done by about 3:00 pm.

They would have all slept well that night!

Brenda Evans
Publicity Officer

24 July 2008 - Newcastle Croquet Club
Who said you can n ever get people to come to ‘come and try’ days. We were overwhelmed with people of all sizes shapes and ages wanting to have a go. Depending of who you asked there was either 49 or 52 prospective players there. How did we manage to get that many? No one knows but they were there and this stretched our resources to the limit.

We had a sausage sizzle going and suitable drinks for those who participated and it was a great morning. But the crunch will come when we see how many of them actually take the game up. People came from as far away as Nelson Bay and East Maitland so hopefully other clubs may benefit from this exercise.

As you can see from the name National Park is no longer and the club is now the Newcastle Croquet Club. Whenever we said we were from National Park the answer always came back where is that? Well that is no longer a problem.

The annual AGM has been held and I am pleased to report that I am no longer the President but have been succeeded by Jenny Ferris and I wish her and the committee all the best .

24 April 2008 - Sawtell Croquet Club
Sawtell Croquet Club Turns 60

Sawtell Croquet Club will have its 60th Birthday in September.

60 years - and 6 days of Croquet are planned.

Sawtell has not had a carnival for many years and we would like all our many friends from the Croquet world to come and help up celebrate. We are planning 3 days of Golf Croquet - September 12, 13 and 14, Party Day on Monday 15th with fun games in the morning followed by luncheon at the Sawtell Golf Club - 3 days of Association Croquet on 16, 17 and 18.

Find us on the Events page, or click here for the flier.

Please come and join us - entries close on August 29 - phone Jenny Arnold on (02) 6651 1034 or .
22 March 2008 - Port Macquarie Croquet Club

Golf Croquet Handicap Doubles Competition

On Tuesday 18th March, a beautiful sunny autumn day, thirty two players took part in a handicap doubles competition.

Round robins were played in four blocks, followed by the quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final. The Golf Croquet Doubles trophy was won by Susan Klecka and John Hincks, who defeated Denise Nelson and Bridget Earle in the final.

Bridget Earle
15 March 2008 - Croquet NSW
March 1st saw a busy CNSW Council meeting. Click here to see the President's report.
29 February 2008 - Miller Park Croquet Club
We are on the move. Necessitated by the fact the Miller Park Sport and Rec. Club are going to build their new club on the croquet lawn gave us no choice. Fortunately Cessnock Council have come to the party and allocated enough ground for us to have eventually four lawns. Obviously that is in the future but we have already mowed the weeds and found underneath lovely Queensland Blue couch.

There have been two working parties besides a couple of days for the mowing and on those days the new areas were scarified and altogether some fourteen tons. The ladies were a great help in using the shovel and wheel barrows and then Wal and his trusty ‘ride on’ spread the soil out. We have access to water, toilets and storage areas and right in the middle of Branxton too.

Plans are underway to beautify the area with a selection of flowers red hot pokers, day lilies and the like besides planting a few more trees. Initial work has been carried out on the construction of frames to make benches. It is as the saying goes ‘full steam ahead’.

We have purchased a new 26 inch barrel Victa mower and that is yet to be used. The lawn needs a few mower cuts and better coverage before letting the new mower loose.

We are hoping to move by the end of March.

Geof McDonald

22 February 2008 - Jamberoo Croquet Club

Sunshine and Snags

Wednesday 20th February was a special occasion for Jamberoo Croquet Club and a memorable first. Jacky McDonald, the President of Croquet NSW and her husband Geof, the Coaching Director of CNSW, joined the Club for an informal lunch and coaching session.

The day started early, full of promise as the sun was shining and just over thirty members arrived, resplendent in their blue and white uniforms. Friendly games of Golf Croquet were played as usual for a Wednesday morning and then the well-oiled machine of ladies and one gentleman set up a delicious BBQ lunch. All was ready when Jacky and Geof arrived and they were greeted and welcomed by David England, the Club President. It was all very relaxed as everyone enjoyed their snags, salads and naughty sweet treats but it was the next session that had been much anticipated.

Geof led the coaching by talking and demonstrating skills that will be of benefit to all members, whatever their level of expertise or, as he put it, "your own level of incompetence"! There was plenty of opportunity to practise during the afternoon with personal attention from both Geof and Jacky. Everyone learnt something new and took away plenty of useful tips for improvement and most importantly, encouragement.

The day concluded with tea and cakes and final chance for discussion. It was a highly successful event and Jamberoo Croquet Club is very grateful that Jacky and Geof, both also members of the 2007 State Golf Croquet Team, took time out to visit us.

Jamberoo will now prepare for its next event to coincide with Senior's Week. Any Senior who would care to join us on the afternoon of Wednesday 9th April (starting at 1:30 pm) for an introduction to croquet where all equipment is provided would be made most welcome. Further information is available from , the Publicity Officer, on 4232 4778.

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